About Glen Allsopp and Detailed.com | Detailed
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About Glen Allsopp and Detailed: A Brief History

Written by Glen Allsopp | +552 this month
July 20th, 2024

Detailed is the result of a 13-year journey that I started from the bedroom of my parents house at 16 years old.

In that time I went from building four figure affiliate sites to a five-figure personal development blog, then a six-figure WordPress plugin to a 7-figure digital marketing agency.

My first real press in The Guardian newspaper

Almost all of my success has been thanks to growing organic search engine traffic to websites, which is what you’ll learn about here at Detailed.

Somehow, marketers from Amazon, Google, Cisco and IBM subscribe to our newsletter to learn our insights on what really works, right now.

If you’re interested in the bullets of my story, here they are:

  • At 16 I co-founded MyDJSpace, a “MySpace for DJ’s” which grew to over 10,000 users and was featured in the book DJ’ing for Dummies
  • At 17 I dropped out of college and left Newcastle, England to move to Cape Town, South Africa to work for a digital marketing agency that served clients like Nissan, Land Rover and Hewlett Packard
  • At 19 I was making enough money from my online side projects to quit my job and move back to England
  • At 20 I sold my personal development blog, PluginID (no longer online), for a mid five-figure fee after it had become a top 10 blog in its space
  • At 21 I created OptinSkin, the first WordPress plugin that allowed people to collect email addresses. This went on to generate multiple six-figures in revenue before I sold it
  • By 25 my own marketing agency had generated its first 7-figure year in revenue thanks to offering SEO and link building services for clients

Now in 2018 having just turned 29, my “overnight success” took a lot longer than I expected it to, but I still have a long way to go.

Knowing how to grow organic search engine traffic to websites has been crucial to my success at every step of the journey.

MyDJSpace received targeted traffic because it ranked for terms like ‘DJ Forums’ and ‘DJ Equipment’.

I ranked affiliate sites that brought in constant sales and revenue which allowed me to stop working for a boss.

PluginID ranked on the first page of Google for ‘personal development’ and ‘personality development’ (which surprisingly received more searches than the former) which brought in new readers every single day.

If you’re familiar with my name, it may be because of the internet marketing blog I ran, ViperChill.

I started my first “SEO agency” at 16 years old as I had become obsessed with search after ranking our DJ website for a number of profitable search terms.

Here’s a sneak peek of what ViperChill used to look like back in the day.

I tried selling SEO services from my bedroom at 16 years old

It was built in ASP.net and I genuinely had no idea what I was doing.

Care to take a guess how many clients that website generated in the space of 18 months?




Let me be totally honest with you.

I didn’t even receive a single email via my contact form, nevermind actually finding someone to pay me money.

Today I’m in the fortunate position where I have learned how to sell marketing services as much as offer them.

I wish you could just be skilled in SEO and that is all it takes, but sadly there is a lot of competition in this space, so I worked on that area of myself as well.

I travel as much as I can, spending most of my time in places like Hong Kong or Singapore, and return to the UK every year to see my family.

Here’s a photo of me in Singapore with my business partner Diggy:

This is just a rental. I’m too tall to sit in it comfortably for more than 30 minutes sadly

Read that caption again, it’s just a rental. Being 6’4″ has its downsides.

I know internet marketers like to show off these images so I like to share it for fun. I get a bit of hate every time I do, but life is too short.

Speaking of which…

I’m Neither a Guru or an Expert

I don’t speak at events.

I don’t mingle at conferences.

And I don’t have an Instagram page where I’ll bombard you with car photos like the one above.

I’m a self confessed introvert with no intentions of being famous or known. I would rather have my work be known and help a lot of people on the journey.

This story is here for little other reason than people like to know who they are getting advice from.

I am 1/10th as successful as I would like to be, so I hope you share your journey with me as I have mine with you. You can always reach me via our contact form.

As much as I love SEO, I love dogs far more, and regularly donate to shelters around Asia.

If I have helped you at all with my work or my writing, donating money to a shelter near you would be the ultimate appreciation.

Written by Glen Allsopp, the founder of Detailed. You may know me as 'ViperChill' if you've been in internet marketing for a while. Detailed is a small bootstrapped team behind the Detailed SEO Extension for Chrome & Firefox (250,000 weekly users), trying to share some of the best SEO insights on the internet. Clicking the heart tells us what you enjoy reading. Social sharing is appreciated (and always noticed). You can also follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Exclusive insights from tracking the rankings & revenue of 3,078 digital goliaths.

    "Glen found a very sneaky technical SEO issue on our homepage. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes goes a long way."


    "Glen's recommendations helped us improve crawl budget, remove deadweight pages and led to overall improvements in organic traffic to our key pages."


    "I've been a practitioner of digital marketing for over a decade and I've learned more from Glen about SEO than anyone else."