| Colossalhttps://www.thisiscolossal.com/ An international online platform for contemporary art and visual expression. The art included explores a range of creative disciplines, featuring art, design, craft, and photography. Interviews with artists also present. | |
 | Artforumhttps://www.artforum.com/ Artforum.com is the online edition of Artforum International Magazine, featuring news, reviews and much more. | |
 | Juxtapoz Magazinehttps://www.juxtapoz.com/ An art magazine celebrating urban and underground art. Showcases prominent artists and offers podcasts and videos showcasing artists' works. There are also options to buy art listed on the website. | |
 | Design You Trusthttps://designyoutrust.com/ A blog bringing art entertainment pieces as well as advice on how to improve as an artist. There are also inspirational pieces of people putting their creativity to good use. | |
 | Creative Boomhttps://www.creativeboom.com Creative Boom is one of the UK's leading platforms dedicated to the creative industry, delivering news, inspiration, insight and advice to six million creative professionals. | |
 | BOOOOOOOMhttps://www.booooooom.com/ A site founded by a Vancouver-based artist that is a voice in the contemporary art scene. The site highlights emerging talents and helps launch the careers of many young artists internationally. | |
 | The Reclusive Bloggerhttps://www.thereclusiveblogger.com/ The Reclusive Blogger is dedicated to the highest quality of music, movie and pop culture journalism along with unique photography. | |
 | AATONAUhttps://aatonau.com/ The AATONAU art blog showcases new and talented artists on a daily basis. Featuring in-depth analysis and reviews. | |
 | Jackson's Art Bloghttps://www.jacksonsart.com/blog/ Offers art product reviews, interviews with artists, and tips on how artists can improve their craft. There are also editorials on how artists can grow their business on digital platforms. | |
 | Art Biz Successhttps://artbizsuccess.com/blog/ Success means different things to different artists, so this site helps artists define their notion of success and work diligently to achieve that. Offers advice from an art business coach. | |
 | LightSpaceTimehttps://lightspacetime.art/ Online art gallery to help new and emerging artists gain experience in art shows. Artists gain exposure on the site, and any interested viewers can buy art directly from artists. | |
 | RENEE PHILLIPShttps://renee-phillips.com/ A director-curator in New York, Renee Phillips is a mentor who helps artists achieve their potential. Offers artist interviews, helpful articles, and e-books on how artists can advance their career. | |
 | Artspacehttps://www.artspace.com/ Artspace offers the world’s best contemporary art for sale online. It also provides free advice on how to better build collections or sell art. Prints, paintings, sculptures, photographs, and more are available. | |
 | Artists Networkhttps://www.artistsnetwork.com/ A site to connect artists from around the globe. This site is for beginning or established artists to find inspiration from one another and to help improve their artistic craft. | |
 | We Make Money Not Arthttps://we-make-money-not-art.com/ Explores the connection between art, technology, science, and social issues. The site curator, Regine Debatty, lectures on the ways artists, designers, and hackers can use technology for critical discussion. | |
 | Artsy Sharkhttps://www.artsyshark.com/ Inspires artists to improve their craft and build an art business. Features hundreds of articles on how artists can support themselves off art as well as in-depth artist interviews. | |
 | Artrepreneurhttps://artrepreneur.com/ This site helps artists make a business out of their work. Readers find ways to sell their art, enter competitions, build their portfolio, enhance their resume, find a job, and more. | |
 | Artwork Archivehttps://www.artworkarchive.com/blog Artwork Archive offers the tools to help artists manage, market, and grow their business. It also helps art collectors find ways to organize, catalogue, and protect their collections. | |
 | Communication Artshttps://www.commarts.com/ Originally founded in the late fifties, this magazine provides inspiration for people involved in art directors, graphic designers, advertising agencies, corporate design agencies, illustrators, photographers, and others. | |
 | Art Businesshttps://www.artbusiness.com/ Founded by an art consultant, adviser, and independent appraiser, this site gives advice for artists to improve art entrepreneurship and for collectors on how to better invest in art. | |
 | Fromlight2arthttps://fromlight2art.com/ Fromlight2art is a home for contemporary art, fine art photography, and creative development, offering articles and online courses designed to inspire your artistic process. | |
 | Displatehttps://blog.displate.com/ A blog from a metal poster manufacturer, Displate gives tips for artists on how to improve their craft and workflow. They also provide tips on how to better sell art. | |
 | EmptyEasel.comhttps://emptyeasel.com/ Find art business advice, art tutorials, featured artists, art research, and more on this website. Readers can also see ways to better market their pieces through social media or online. | |
 | FineArtViewshttps://fineartviews.com/ Learn tips and tricks on how to improve an art business, mainly through the power of marketing. Readers can also learn to sell their art in other ways, like competitions. | |
 | Hi-Fructose Magazinehttps://hifructose.com/ An art magazine showcasing art that transcends trends and genre, providing original and informative works to readers. Features contemporary emerging as well as established artists, with a spotlight on awe. | |
 | Artfinderhttps://www.artfinder.com/blog/ This site not only finds trends in the art community but provides the latest news and inspiration for artists. You can also use Artfinder to buy and sell art, too!. | |
 | Frame Destination Bloghttps://www.framedestination.com/blog Online store for everything frame related. The site promotes framing innovations and high-quality frames while helping customers save time in the process. Also offer cleaning and protection supplies for frames. | |
 | Very Private Galleryhttps://veryprivategallery.com/ Offers an application to a Madrid-based art residency and tips on how artists can sell their art online. Gives advice for how artists can build their social media presence too. | |
 | ARTminehttps://art-mine.com/collectors-corner/ Gives resources for artists, art collectors, interior designers, art consultants, and others in the art business. The site features an online platform for buying art and showcasing prominent artists. | |
 | The Abundant Artisthttps://theabundantartist.com/blog/ A site to help artists make a living from art. Help artists achieve that through self-study art business courses, access a community of artists, and individual coaching sessions through Skype. | |
 | ArtWebhttps://blog.artweb.com/ A place to inspire artists — aspiring or professional — on the internet. Offers advice on how artists can start a website, sell their art, and in other ways advance their career. | |
 | MAKING A MARKhttps://makingamark.blogspot.com/ An art blog for artists and art lovers. The site features news about major art competitions, interviews with artists, exhibitions, techniques, and tips to improve art or art business. | |
 | StreetArtNewshttps://streetartnews.net/ Get the latest updates from the street art community. Find news about exhibitions as well as analyses and reviews of them. Also articles and interviews about street art lifestyle. | |
 | Ken Bromley Art Supplies Art Bloghttps://www.artsupplies.co.uk/blog/ It all started in the early ’90s when we began selling Ken Bromley’s Perfect Paper Stretcher. They blog about art industry news, interviews with artists and cool stuff we find. | |
 | Ninu Ninahttps://www.ninunina.com/home Ninu Nina is a blog that features curated interviews with the world's most inspiring artists since 2008. | |
 | Hickman Designhttps://hickmandesign.co.uk/ Hickman Design blogs about fine art printmaking and also provides free guides on how to learn traditional printmaking at home. | |