| Book Riothttps://bookriot.com/ Largest independent editorial book site in North America dedicated to writing and reading across all genres. Features a host of original content, media, podcasts, newsletters, and more for diverse audiences. | |
 | London Review of Bookshttps://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/ London’s top reviews of books, authors, literary arts, and politics. The site supplies podcasts, videos, and articles along with collections and recommendations. | |
 | Reedsyhttps://blog.reedsy.com/ Resources for writers across book design, book marketing, and perfecting the art of writing. Advice for publishing your book from trusted professionals. | |
 | Smart Bitches Trashy Bookshttps://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/ Community of romance readers encouraging smart discussions over the best of the romance world. Ideal for smart and sassy women with reviews, podcasts, and informative blog posts. | |
 | BookBubhttps://www.bookbub.com/blog Publishes regular content combining the best in books, adaptations, and authors with up-to-date news and information. Content covers a wide range of genres, from fiction to cookbooks. | |
 | Epic Readshttps://www.epicreads.com/blog/ Fantasy genre site covering book releases, author news, and the best of the imaginative worlds. Detailed reviews and lists of the years’ best books help fans discover their next favorite. | |
 | BookTrusthttps://www.booktrust.org.uk/ Captivating platform full of book lists for any reader and every genre. News, quizzes, quotes, community interaction, and giveaways deliver entertainment and quality reading content. | |
 | Wottareadhttps://wottaread.com/ Literary site dedicated to fantasy books teaming with recommendations and reviews. Compare movies to books, discover fascinating series, and take fun quizzes. | |
 | The Bookish Elfhttps://www.bookishelf.com/ The Bookish Elf is a site you can rely on for book reviews, author interviews, book recommendations, and all things books. | |
 | BookAvatarhttps://www.bookavatar.com BookAvatar is a blog representing book lessons, reviews, writing, and reading tips. The blog covers various genres, including fiction, non-fiction, romance, and more. | |
 | Ebook Friendlyhttps://ebookfriendly.com/ User-friendly, distraction-free lists of books and tips for bibliophiles for the modern book world. Main focus helps technologically savvy readers using various tablets and smartphones. | |
 | Off the Shelfhttps://offtheshelf.com/ Create your own shelf using online shelves categorized into genres and topics. Content promotes various styles of books with reviews and recommendations for all readers. | |
 | The Uncorked Librarianhttps://www.theuncorkedlibrarian.com/ Lists of books specifically selected to inspire your travels. Frequent lists include new releases, reading challenges, currently reading, and books by destination around the world. | |
 | Nose in a Bookhttps://noseinabook.co.uk/ Book reviews categorized by author to make finding the best books easy. Various challenges pull reader interest with captivating topics and fun themes for the avid reader. | |
 | For Reading Addictshttps://forreadingaddicts.co.uk/kaths-blog/ Literary news, new releases, reading lists, and recommendations for lovers of reading. Daily knowledge and inspiration for wordsmiths and readers alike. | |
 | She Reads Romance Bookshttps://www.shereadsromancebooks.com/ She Reads Romance Books is a romance book blog dedicated to the romance book reader to help you find the best books worth reading. Find book lists, book reviews and more! | |
 | Literary Ladies Guidehttps://www.literaryladiesguide.com/ Platform dedicated to driving the love of the greatest and classic female authors. Celebrate women’s voices to inspire readers through book lists, facts, quotes, and women’s literary history. | |
 | The Chrysalis BREW Projecthttps://thechrysalisbrewproject.com/ Books, reviews, and everything written (BREW) is all about making content creators and readers grow, thrive, and soar. Access the BREW Awards, news, promotion, and heaps more. | |
 | Everyday Readinghttps://everyday-reading.com/ Encourages new readers and book lovers and offers a wide range of resources to discover new books and enjoy the written word. Activities, book reviews, and ideas for all ages. | |
 | LoveReadinghttps://www.lovereading.co.uk/blog Features personal digital bookshelves to help readers flourish in their love of books. Discover new reads, check in on awards and author news, review books, and view beautiful libraries. | |
 | LoveReading4Kidshttps://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/blog Reading guides, expert advice, and book reviews for children. Includes news on children’s books, book award news, special features, author talks, and more to foster book-loving in your child. | |
 | Travelling Book Junkie https://www.travellingbookjunkie.com/ A literary travel blog that focuses on all things bookish including book reviews, literary travel guides and a stylish, literature lifestyle. | |
 | Amanja Reads too Muchhttps://amanjareads.com/ Amanja Reads too Much reviews comic books to nonfiction and everything in between. She focuses on self published books in order to connect authors with their desired audiences. | |
 | The Bibliofilehttps://the-bibliofile.com/blog/ Content centered around all book reviews, all the time. Topics pull interest with discussions on books to film, bestsellers, most read books, and more with an additional podcast. | |
 | The Literary Edithttps://thelitedit.com/ Platform dedicated to all things bookish and stylish with literary appeal. Delivers the best in book reviews, bookstore features, literary city guides, and literary festivals. | |
 | Hooked to Bookshttps://www.hookedtobooks.com/ Find the best in literary gadgets, books, and reading with an easy-to-navigate site and search engine. Writing tools guide literary lovers through self-publishing and blogging. | |
 | Reading Group Guideshttps://www.readinggroupguides.com/blog Online community made for reading groups. Book guides, the latest in literary news, and discussions help reading groups make the most of their time loving books together. | |
 | Waterstoneshttps://www.waterstones.com/the-waterstones-blog Browse books by theme, category, or search with a wide range of genres and bestsellers. Featured reviews, authors, and shopping for the avid reader. | |
 | Arlene's Book Clubhttps://arlenesbookclub.com/ Personal and relatable community for book lovers to connect over an array of book genres and themes. Book reviews, discussion questions, and suggested readings for individuals and groups. | |
 | Maryse's Book Bloghttps://www.maryse.net/ Detailed personal reviews of books four stars and up, including favorite lists and recommendations. Yearly top book lists, book releases and news, and reading extras. | |
 | Under the Covers Books Bloghttps://www.underthecoversbookblog.com/ Recommendations, release calendars, and videos on the latest and greatest in love and romance. Post after post details book reviews, books by mood, and reading challenges. | |
 | Lovely Audiobookshttps://lovelyaudiobooks.info/blog/ Lovely Audiobooks is dedicated to all things audiobooks! Find the best audiobook subscription for you and book recommendations to get the most out of it. | |
 | Information Agehttps://www.information-age.com/ One of the UKs Leading business-technology magazine and websites. Dissecting innovation to help drive business. | |
 | The Reading Listshttps://www.thereadinglists.com The site interviews awesome people about their reading habits and compile reading lists on particular topics or genres. | |
 | A.J. Sefton Book Reviewshttps://www.ajsefton.com/book-reviews Book reviews of modern and classics fiction and non-fiction, psychological thrillers, history, literary and more. | |
 | Joelbookshttps://joelbooks.com/ Joelbooks is a modern website with engaging book lists on daily basis. Offering collections like upcoming book releases which are ideal for avid readers. | |