| The Musehttps://www.themuse.com/advice Practical advice surrounding job search, career exploration, and overall professional success. Featured articles discuss relevant topics relating to the employment market, as well as current events and news in the workforce. | |
 | HR Bartenderhttps://www.hrbartender.com/ An experienced HR professional focuses on workplace-related topics surpassing typical human resource expectations to be a better leader. Drives home areas of supervision, engagement, and general career advice. | |
 | Career Contessahttps://www.careercontessa.com/advice/ Addresses unique challenges faced by women in today’s workforce with specialized tools and plans to guide careers. Provides webinars, online courses, worksheets, weekly articles, and Q+A’s with real women. | |
 | TopResumehttps://www.topresume.com/career-advice Career advice experts offer tips, techniques, and news across today’s professional industries. Job seekers can discover their passion while learning about resumes, job searching, and today’s technologies. | |
 | Undercover Recruiterhttps://theundercoverrecruiter.com/ Comprehensive content surrounding job and career development, solutions, and outlooks. Aids both job-seekers and employers alike across branding, acquisition, and workplace and features the Employer Branding Podcast. | |
 | CareerAddicthttps://www.careeraddict.com/advice Whether you’re looking for your calling, writing a résumé, applying for a new job, changing careers or managing people, they’ll help you every step of the way. | |
 | My Life, I Guesshttps://mylifeiguess.com/category/work/ A career and personal finance site focusing on being in debt, living paycheck to paycheck, and surviving unemployment, including many free career & job search resources. | |
 | Insperity HR Bloghttps://www.insperity.com/blog/ Insperity works with clients to maximize business performance and productivity via ready-to-use HR infrastructure. Blog posts focus on HR-related topics such as regulatory compliance, leadership, and more. | |
 | Workologyhttps://workology.com/ Comprehensive resource for professionals dedicated to transforming and improving organizations, workforces, and industries. Specifically focused on HR and recruitment professionals. | |
 | Coburg Bankshttps://www.coburgbanks.co.uk/blog/ Recruitment blog offering hiring and job search resources to candidates and employers. Blog details helpful content with tips on nailing interviews and attracting the best personnel for your team. | |
 | Classy Career Girlhttps://www.classycareergirl.com/blog/ Inspiration for women in the workforce to find fulfilment in their careers. Aids women in finding jobs they love, starting new businesses, and discovering their passions while delivering helpful tips. | |
 | Idealisthttps://www.idealist.org/en/careers/ Wide-ranging career advice stretches from at work tips, job search secrets, career planning, and helpful quizzes. Tackles challenging topics like remote opportunities, getting laid off, and cultivating positive work environments. | |
 | Ms. Career Girlhttps://www.mscareergirl.com/ Career site with a focus on female professionals highlights current events and relevant workplace topics. Advice and information centers around education, news, and careers with areas on lifestyle and relationships. | |
 | reed.co.ukhttps://www.reed.co.uk/career-advice Job seeking tips and resources from CV templates and cover letters to interview techniques and help with personal statements. Career advice designed for everyday practical use for the working individual. | |
 | Priwoohttps://priwoo.com/blog/ Priwoo blog answers all your career-related questions and provides career advice. It mainly focuses on resumes and cover letters which are absolutely essential for job searches. | |
 | Adventures in Career Developmenthttps://adventuresincareerdevelopment.wordpress.com/ Business and career news, challenges of today’s professionals, and guidance for successful career development. Features podcasts, videos, and articles surrounding opinions and statistics of the job market. | |
 | Career Musingshttp://www.daisywright.com/ Career guidance site led by highly experienced and certified career development practitioner, Daisy Wright. Daisy offers expertise and coaching in job searching, professional self-marketing, and relevant business news. | |
 | jobs.ac.ukhttps://blog.jobs.ac.uk/ Collection of experienced career professionals sharing expertise across job seeking, academic life, working abroad, and other related topics. Real life experiences generate interactive posts. | |
 | Campus to Careerhttps://campus-to-career.com/ Connects emerging leaders and young professionals to their ideal career path through expert advice, real-life experiences, and a wide range of career preparation. Focus on college students and post-graduation paths. | |
 | Career Potentialhttps://careerpotential.com/blog/ Career Potential services clients by offering career success resources, breakthrough sessions, webinars, and blogs geared towards job education and career development. | |
 | Career Trendhttps://careertrend.net/blog Expert resume writing services including executive templates, social media profiles, and blog content development. Additionally features career-focused blog posts encompassing advice and news. | |
 | Interview Coachhttps://interview-coach.co.uk/blog/ Margaret Buj, featured in the Financial Times, lends 15 years of international recruitment experience to those looking for new and better job opportunities. | |
 | When I Workhttps://wheniwork.com/blog Software-centric site developing products to help hourly employees and managers collaborate, offering scheduling, time clocks, team messaging, and more. | |
 | BambooHR Bloghttps://www.bamboohr.com/blog/ Award-winning HR software platform offering solutions to small and medium businesses and professionals. Notable features include data management, talent acquisition, onboarding, and company culture. | |
 | Brazenhttps://www.brazen.com/blog/ Dedicated to helping candidates and companies establish meaningful professional connections through various technologies. Features include virtual career fairs, Recruiting Chatbot, QuickChat, and more. | |
 | Career Girl Dailyhttps://www.careergirldaily.com/ Powered by CGD London, offers advice and tips to women across careers, lifestyle, beauty, and fashion. Accompanied by an online store dedicated to helping women thrive by working from home. | |
 | Career Treehttps://www.careertree.org.uk/blog Blog manager Sarah offers expertise to achieve career happiness, touching on topics such as career health, career planning, and career change. Here, you’ll also find online courses, career quizzes, and other resources. | |
 | InHerSight Bloghttps://www.inhersight.com/blog Female-focused career advice platform with relatable discussions on issues like economic variances, career goals, and interviews. Features women in the news and empowers women. | |
 | Personal Career Managementhttps://www.personalcareermanagement.com/blog/ Daily posts discuss career-related topics and guide visitors through professional profiles, staying motivated at work, and nailing the interview. | |
 | SixFigureStarthttps://sixfigurestart.com/blog/ Professional coaching and advice to find the ideal job at the desired high paying salary. Helps professionals refine their personal brand, increase their network, and nail negotiations in every aspect of their lives. | |
 | CEOMichaelHR https://ceomichaelhr.com/career-advice/ Get ahead in your career with job search tips and expert advice by industry specialists and career consultants. | |
 | HQ HIREhttps://hqhire.com/blog/ HQ HIRE help job seekers to navigate their career easy. Ranging from clear, practical advice on job searching, resume writing, salary negotiations to other career planning topics. | |
 | Career Advice CV-Libraryhttps://www.cv-library.co.uk/career-advice/ CV-Library is a job site which provides information related to career development, cv-writing , job interviews & much more. | |