| AMBCryptohttps://ambcrypto.com/ With over 3,000 Telegram followers and 1.5 million monthly pageviews, AMBCrypto covers the latest in cryptocurrency news. | |
 | Coin Pediahttp://coinpedia.org/news/ Coinpedia is Cryptocurrency Encyclopedia offering crypto-related comprehensive information, news, events, PR and bitcoin event info. | |
 | CryptoPotatohttps://cryptopotato.com/ A one stop resource for finding anything related to the cryptocurrencies world including Bitcoins, Altcoins and, crypto trading. | |
 | Bitcoin Magazinehttps://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles The oldest and most established source of news, information and expert commentary on Bitcoin, blockchain technology and the digital currency industry. | |
 | CoinDeskhttps://www.coindesk.com/ With over 10 million unique visitors, CoinDesk is the leading digital media, events and information service company for the crypto asset and blockchain technology community. | |
 | NewsBTChttp://www.newsbtc.com/ Founded over seven years ago, NewsBtc brings quality news content, reviews, technical analysis and other unique insights to the ever-growing cryptocurrency community. | |
 | BeInCryptohttps://beincrypto.com/ BeinCrypto ranks among the largest independent cryptocurrency news platforms offering the latest updates in an unbiased fashion with a primary focus on transparency (10 languages).
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 | DailyCoinhttps://dailycoin.com/ DailyCoin is a cryptocurrency news media portal. Their mission is to inform people about the crypto world from the flipside. | |
 | CoinGapehttps://coingape.com/ Coingape is among the fastest-growing news and analysis platforms serving its readers with the latest updates from the cryptocurrency and blockchain world. | |
 | Cointelegraphhttps://cointelegraph.com/ Founded seven years ago, Cointelegraph is a completely independent publication covering cryptocurrency, the blockchain, decentralized applications, the internet of finance and the next gen web. | |
 | Coinspeakerhttps://www.coinspeaker.com/ With over 450,000 unique visitors per month, CoinSpeaker covers every aspect of the bitcoin and altcoin markets, featuring a mix of regular tech wraps, daily and weekly market updates, features and interviews. | |
 | Blockchain.Newshttps://blockchain.news/ Blockchain.News is a leading blockchain and FinTech digital media company providing news and industry expert insights into blockchain, financial technology and digital currencies. | |
 | Bitcoinisthttp://bitcoinist.com/ Bitcoinist is the prime source for information about Bitcoin, digital currency and blockchain technology. Bitcoinist provides up-to-date news and insightful analysis related to business news. | |
 | TronWeeklyhttps://www.tronweekly.com/ TronWeekly is an endeavour to bring all Crypto world news, the crypto fans take benefit from all the latest cryptocurrency and blockchain news TronWeekly offers. | |
 | CryptoNewsZhttps://www.cryptonewsz.com/ The site provides the latest cryptocurrency and blockchain news, as well as updating the latest price analysis and prediction of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. | |
 | ZyCryptohttps://zycrypto.com/ ZyCrypto is a Cryptocurrency News media, converging on daily news, expert opinions, analysis, reviews, and so much more. | |
 | Blockonomihttps://blockonomi.com/ Blockonomi was launched over three years ago to cover all aspects of Cryptocurrencies, Fintech and the blockchain economy. They focus on bringing you the latest unbiased news, information, and reviews. | |
 | U.Todayhttps://u.today/ U.Today is a global media organization dedicated to helping people understand the new generation tech, blockchain and crypto, and the future they bring to society. | |
 | Altcoin Buzzhttps://www.altcoinbuzz.io/ Altcoin Buzz shares the latest news on Cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins and Blockchain gaming, as well as Crypto guides and reviews. | |
 | Bitcoin Newshttps://news.bitcoin.com/ Bitcoin.com is a premier source for everything Bitcoin related. The website features the latest news and updates, it also provides facility to engage with the community on a Bitcoin Forum. | |
 | Coinmonkshttps://medium.com/coinmonks Coinmonks is a non-profit Crypto educational publication which provides the very latest industry news and analysis. | |
 | Brave New Coinhttps://bravenewcoin.com/insights/latest Brave New Coin (BNC) is a Blockchain and Digital Currency Market Data company, which publishes technical analysis and research, used by key decision makers. | |
 | Crypto Briefinghttps://cryptobriefing.com/ Crypto Briefing was founded with the goal of highlighting the builders and calling out the scammers. Two years on, they have grown into a resource for the community. | |
 | Crypto News Flashhttps://www.crypto-news-flash.com Some well written content, better than some of the sites on the list and all appears original | |
 | Bitcoinikhttps://bitcoinik.com/ Bitcoinik provides great content and the latest news to viewers. The Bitcoinik team is working to make the crypto world a better place for new investors. | |
 | Ethereum World Newshttps://ethereumworldnews.com/ Ethereum World News is a website dedicated to providing the most relevant news in the world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and blockchain technologies. | |
 | FullyCryptohttps://fullycrypto.com/ FullyCrypto features crypto news, interviews, market analysis, thought pieces, and more, all with a wry sense of humor and with complete independence. | |
 | Blockchain Bloghttps://medium.com/blockchain Founded by Peter Smith, Blockchain blog is dedicated to the latest news about blockchain, wallets and updates in the cryptospace. | |
 | MintMe.com Newshttps://www.mintme.com/news/archive MintMe News is a crowdfunding platform where patrons earn on their favorite influencer success, and readers learn from informative crypto posts. | |
 | The Coinbase Bloghttps://blog.coinbase.com/ Coinbase blog is dedicated to the latest crypto world news and recommendations, including stories from Coinbase, the most popular place to buy and sell digital currency. | |
 | Bitfinex Bloghttp://blog.bitfinex.com/ The blog of the Bitfinix website, provides latest news about trading coin pairs added on Bitfinex. The news lets investors keep track of all coins available to trade. | |
 | Kraken Bloghttps://blog.kraken.com/ Kraken blog is the blog of kraken - crypto currency exchange, which provides daily market reports about cryptocurrencies. | |
 | Coin Bureauhttps://www.coinbureau.com/blog/ Coin Bureau was created with the intent to deliver the best educational and informational blockchain information to users all around the galaxy. | |
 | 99Bitcoinshttps://99bitcoins.com/ 99 Bitcoins is the largest information source for non technical newbies including Bitcoin basics, Bitcoin trading tips and techniques and even information about mining Bitcoins. | |
 | Boxmininghttps://boxmining.com/ Boxmining is a hub for cryptocurrency news, guides, reviews and updates. Founded in four years ago, they provided a bridge between the chinese cryptocurrency scene and the western world. | |
 | Coin Idolhttps://coinidol.com/ Coinidol is an international crypto and currencies media outlet focusing on the latest news about Bitcoin and altcoins, Blockchain and distributed ledger technology solutions. | |
 | CoinChapterhttps://coinchapter.com/ Coinchapter provides up-to-date information about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin Price Index data, trends, and crypto events. | |
 | Use The Bitcoinhttps://usethebitcoin.com/ Use The Bitcoin presents the most important and relevant Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency news. They cover all things from new coins, ICOs, and Blockchain information. | |
 | Ethereum Bloghttps://blog.ethereum.org/ Ethereum blog is dedicated to world's second cryptocurrency ethereum, it features latest news, developments and announcements related to ethereum. | |
 | The BitPay Bloghttps://bitpay.com/blog/ An open, staff-driven blog bringing insights to exciting developments, upcoming opportunities, and lessons learned in developing enterprise-grade infrastructure for bitcoin. | |
 | Crypto News Australiahttps://cryptonews.com.au/ Crypto News Australia is the leading website in Australia where Crypto and Blockchain enthusiasts come daily to read personalised Bitcoin and Crypto news. | |
 | The Merklehttps://themerkle.com/ Founded six years ago, TheMerkle brings the latest crypto, finance, infosec, and tech news. It also compares exchanges and cryptocurrencies. | |
 | Blockmanityhttps://blockmanity.com/ Blockmanity provides the latest news on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Blockchain technology, and other cryptocurrencies. | |
 | The Xcoins Bloghttps://www.xcoins.com/en/blog Xcoins is a leading cryptocurrency platform that makes buying Bitcoin instantly, simple & secure. Our blog provides the most up-to-date news and insights into the crypto world. | |
 | Coin Centralhttps://coincentral.com/ Coin Central present new developments with cryptocurrencies and blockchain, new coins, exchanges, scams, and opportunities. They’re committed to only sharing the knowledge we consider 100% useful and 100% accurate and trustworthy. | |
 | Crypto Adventurehttps://cryptoadventure.com/guides/ The best spot for an intriguing adventure to everything crypto: news, in-depth reviews of crypto projects, coins, crypto beginners guides, giveaways, and airdrops! | |
 | CoinJar phoblographerhttps://blog.coinjar.com/ CoinJar blog, providing latest news and announcements related to the CoinJar website as well as the general cryptocurrency space. | |