| https://www.creativebloq.com/ Daily inspiration for creative people. Fresh thinking, expert tips and tutorials to supercharge your creative muscles. | |
 | https://www.sitepoint.com/blog/ Founded by Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz in 1999, SitePoint is for web professionals, by web professionals. Perfect for developers, designers, programmers, product creators and entrepreneurs alike. | |
 | http://graphicdesignjunction.com/ Founded in 2010, Graphic Design Junction is a leading site in design and inspiration, showcasing Junction for web designers and developers through daily resources and their premium web design and development platform. | |
 | https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ Founded in September 2006, Smashing Magazine delivers reliable, useful, but most importantly practical articles to web designers and developers. | |
 | https://speckyboy.com/ Launched in 2007, Speckyboy publishes insightful tutorials and tips, time-saving techniques and resources, and share inspirational UI designs. | |
 | https://hacks.mozilla.org/ Mozilla Hacks is written for web developers, designers and everyone who builds for the web. Hacks is produced by Mozilla's Developer Relations team and features hundreds of posts from Mozilla. | |
 | https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/ With over 1.1 million subscribers, Webdesignerdepot provides some of the best insights on design and user experience. The company is working with real clients and bringing real world experience. | |
 | https://www.noupe.com/ Noupe passionately delivers stylish and dynamic news for designers and web developers across the globe on all subjects of design. Ranging from CSS, Ajax, JavaScript, Web design, graphics, typography, and advertising. | |
 | https://www.labnol.org/ Digital Inspiration, established in 2004, helps businesses automate processes and improve productivity with Google services. | |
 | https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/ Webdesign provides free tutorials, learning guides, and online courses on interface design, UX, front-end development, motion design, accessibility, business and alike. | |
 | http://blog.getbootstrap.com/ This is a dedicated blog of news and announcements for all things Bootstrap, including new releases, Bootstrap Themes and Bootstrap Jobs. | |
 | https://alistapart.com/ A next level website that explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. | |
 | http://uxmag.com/ UXMag is a free community resource exploring all facets of experience design. They work closely with practitioners and industry leaders versed in all areas of UX to provide a steady stream of engaging and useful content. | |
 | https://www.designbombs.com/ Design Bombs was originally started as a web design gallery but recently it became a place to share web design ideas, tutorials, and other helpful resources. | |
 | https://www.retrosupply.co/blogs/retrosupply-blog RetroSupply was made for any designer, illustrator, creative, or hobbyist who want resources that bring those nostalgic touches to their work. | |
 | https://www.uxbooth.com/articles/ Trusted by over 100,000 experienced professionals, UXbooth is a a publication by and for the user experience community. The website covers analytics, interaction design, visual design, content strategy and alike. | |
 | https://webdesignledger.com/ Web Design Ledger contains information on a number of aspects of web design such as eCommerce, WordPress, Plugins, Portfolios and so much more. | |
 | https://codegeekz.com/ A comprehensive archive of useful articles and tutorials on web design, WordPress, plugins, code and web development. | |
 | https://blog.spoongraphics.co.uk/ Founded by Chris Spooner, SpoonGraphics is home to a range of design tutorials, free resources and inspiration. Three main types of content include tutorials, freebies and articles to share theory and inspiration. | |
 | http://www.webdesigndev.com/ A simple but worth visiting web design blog that brings design inspiration, how to design a website, web design tutorials and much more. | |
 | https://1stwebdesigner.com/all-articles/ 1st web designer is a wonderful platform where the content is created by web design professionals, for web design professionals. The website shares insights that help make the web even better. | |
 | https://www.bitdegree.org/tutorials/ The BitDegree blog features dozens of computer science tutorials, blockchain information, and career how-to guides, all with instructive intent to help their audience learn. | |
 | http://www.brucelawson.co.uk/ Founded by Bruce Lawson, the website provides useful, informative and worth reading web links each month for web developers, designers and other relevant fields. | |
 | http://blog.cleancoder.com/ A series of informative articles on efficient design and coding. A must read blog by Robert C. Martin. The blog shares insights to the real world design problems and their solutions as well. | |
 | https://tympanus.net/codrops Codrops is a web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities. | |
 | https://designshack.net/ Established in 2003, Design Shack showcases inspiring examples of design, alongside resources and articles that teach how to succeed in the same way. | |
 | https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/ Founded by Eric A. Meyer, MeyerWeb is a huge collection of articles, tutorials, tools, and learning material for web developers, designers and web security experts. | |
 | https://library.gv.com/ Read writing about Design in GV (Google Ventures) Library. Advice, lessons, and tips from GV partners and their community of entrepreneurs. | |
 | http://yehudakatz.com/ A long-form writing by Yehuda Katz, co-creator of Ember.js and serial Open Sourcerer. The website is dedicated to web designs, developments, security and other related topics. | |
 | https://line25.com/ Created in 2009, Line25 is now a wonderful place to share web design ideas and inspiration through articles, tutorials and examples of stunning site designs. | |
 | https://onextrapixel.com/ Onextrapixel (OXP) is a leading online magazine and resource site for designers and web developers. It aims to collect, explore, as well as share useful tips, news, tutorials, tools and resources, on design and development. | |
 | http://www.queness.com/ Queness is a hybrid of a web blog and online community with heaps of design inspirations and a great collection of javascript/jquery tutorials. | |
 | https://m.signalvnoise.com/ Founded in 1999, Signal v noise is a website for sharing strong opinions and shared thoughts on design, business and technology. | |
 | https://www.subtraction.com/ Founded by by Khoi Vinh, Subtraction is a blog about design, technology and culture. It includes a large archive of useful articles focused towards design and development of content. | |
 | https://www.chilliprinting.com/Online-Printing-Blog/ The Chilli Printing blog focuses on everything print and design based including recent trends and new design inspirations. | |
 | https://milanote.com/the-work The blog from Milanote 'The Work Behind The Work' goes behind the scenes of creative projects and covers how they were made, to inspire the creative community. They also interview the designers or creators.
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