| Edutopiahttps://www.edutopia.org/ Information and resources for parents and teachers of primary and secondary education. Articles and videos discuss the latest evidence-based teaching strategies and give advice on how to engage students at home and in the classroom. | |
 | Inside Higher Edhttps://www.insidehighered.com/ Latest news, reports, and data for those in higher education. Online tools and digital learning resources help support virtual and remote teaching for college, university, and graduate-level educators. | |
 | The Chronicle of Higher Educationhttps://www.chronicle.com/ Breaking news for professionals in higher education, including college, university, and post-graduate level. Articles include opinion and advice pieces for university faculty and recent job postings for educators and support staff. | |
 | eLearning Industryhttps://elearningindustry.com/articles Support community for online teaching professionals who provide remote access to education for people of all levels. Daily articles cover all things relating to online learning, from the latest ideas and teaching concepts to new software options for educators and students. | |
 | Educational Technology and Mobile Learninghttps://www.educatorstechnology.com/ Articles and guides focused on helping teachers and students seamlessly integrate technology into the classroom using the latest digital tools. Offers advice, tips, and tricks along with virtual education resources and mobile apps for all major platforms. | |
 | EdSurgehttps://www.edsurge.com/ Education technology news for teachers and educational administrators teaching primary, secondary, and higher-level classrooms. Covers trending stories in education as well as information on the latest research, upcoming events, and new job listings. | |
 | Getting Smarthttps://www.gettingsmart.com/blog/ An online community and support system for teachers ranging from primary school level to post-secondary education. Articles share the latest innovations in teaching and learning with a focus on remote schooling solutions. | |
 | The Shakeup Learning Bloghttps://shakeuplearning.com/blog/ Tips and tricks for educators from internationally renowned speaker and author Kasey Bell. Articles, podcasts, and webinars offer advice and full tutorials on trending teaching methods along with access to digital education resources. | |
 | TPR Teachinghttps://www.tprteaching.com/ TPR Teaching was set up to inspire others who want to learn or teach English. Their goal is to provide free, reliable information on the English language. | |
 | EdTech Reviewhttps://edtechreview.in/ An online community for educators, students, parents, and other school support staff to discover the latest news. Places a special focus on education technology and the role of digital media in improving initiatives across all levels of schooling. | |
 | The Edvocatehttps://www.theedadvocate.org/ Covers the latest news revolving around the world of education, including current events, new policy changes, and more. Articles advocate positive educational reform and innovation within the modern schooling system. | |
 | BOLDhttps://bold.expert/ Articles focusing on how young children learn and develop with the goal of improving early education initiatives. Includes information and advice from top researchers, journalists, and medical practitioners in their field. | |
 | Discovery Educationhttp://blog.discoveryeducation.com/ Award-winning digital content for K-12 teachers looking to transform their classroom and engage their students. Professionally produced programs, products, and services, along with weekly articles, give teachers the tools that they need for a wide variety of subjects. | |
 | EdCan Networkhttps://www.edcan.ca/ Dedicated to ensuring all Canadian students have a learning environment they can thrive in, EdCan Network amplifies voices throughout the K-12 space. | |
 | NCTEhttps://ncte.org/blog/ Resources for educators teaching English and language arts at all levels, including lesson plans and reference guides. Focuses on online support, with specialized tools available for remote instruction and online learning. | |
 | edCircuithttps://edcircuit.com edCircuit is a mission-based organization entirely focused on the K-20 EdTech Industry and emPowering the voices that can provide guidance and expertise | |
 | ED.gov Bloghttps://blog.ed.gov/ The official online blog of the U.S. Department of Education. Offers the latest news concerning U.S. schools, including the latest political reforms along with information about new innovations, programs, and grants for educational institutions. | |
 | Twinkl Education Bloghttps://www.twinkl.co.uk/blog Inspirational teaching advice for primary school, special education, and Christian education teachers. Offers teaching tips and advice along with lesson plans, online resources, PowerPoint presentations, and interactive classroom activity ideas. | |
 | Inflection Magazinehttps://academicinfluence.com/inflection Inflection is the editorial and news analysis journal of AcademicInfluence.com, exploring the cultural and scholarly impact of academics, highered institutions, and big ideas. | |
 | Parenting for Collegehttps://www.parentingforcollege.com/ Resources and information for the parents of college-bound students and those already in university. Articles cover the latest developments in the world of higher education worldwide and tips on how parents can help their children to succeed in college and beyond. | |
 | The Confident Teacherhttps://www.theconfidentteacher.com/ Articles and advice written by an English teacher for English teachers. Veteran educator Alex Quigley shares his thoughts on teaching reading and literature in both a home and a classroom environment, along with access to online tools and resources. | |
 | NEA Todayhttp://neatoday.org/ The original face of the National Education Association, which represents teachers and school support staff. Offers both printable and digital online teaching resources along with advice from articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars. | |
 | The Lore Bloghttps://blog.lore.online/ Features articles written for students and teachers alike and aimed at audiences worldwide. Covers the latest breaking news in the education sphere, including everything from political and financial news to advice and opinion pieces. | |
 | Education Posthttps://educationpost.org/conversation/blog/ The face of the nonprofit group brightbeam, which aims to give every child access to better education. Covers current issues in schooling, placing a special emphasis on school accountability, with articles and videos featuring teachers, parents, and students alike. | |
 | EL Educationhttps://eleducation.org/news-and-events/news Information, resources, and support for online students and their teachers looking to connect remotely. Focuses on the EL Education curriculum and its impact on schools, teachers, and students around the world. | |
 | Study.com Bloghttps://study.com/blog/ Advice for students, teachers, and parents looking to improve the education experience. Articles feature advice from experienced teachers and education experts, with tips and tricks for enhancing both teaching and learning techniques. | |
 | Chegg Playhttps://www.chegg.com/play/ Study resources for students from grade levels k-12. Includes articles and advice covering trending education news and study tips as well as practice problem sets, walkthrough solutions, and video tutorials. | |
 | Education Weekhttps://www.edweek.org/ew/index.html Breaking news for parents, educators, and policymakers. Covers issues affecting K-12 schooling, including objective news reports and analytics, as well as opinion pieces from experts in the field of education. | |
 | Ivy Coachhttps://www.ivycoach.com/the-ivy-coach-blog/ Advice and information for high school students going through the college application process. Focuses on the top Ivy League schools, with tips on how to write essays, fill out applications, and ace admissions interviews. | |
 | Pearsonhttps://www.pearsoned.com/blog/ Digital teaching services for teachers in all fields, including K-12 educators, higher education professors, and teachers in the industrial and professional sphere. Articles offer advice for educators, along with resources and tools to aid in teaching and testing. | |
 | Prodigy Math Bloghttps://www.prodigygame.com/blog/ A math-centric education blog for parents and educators or young students, particularly those below the secondary education level. Articles offer tips and advice on how to engage students and promote learning both at home and in the classroom. | |
 | Teach Junkiehttps://www.teachjunkie.com/ Creative teaching ideas and activities for kids from grades K-5 for teachers, homeschoolers, and parents. Offers free and novel craft ideas, DIY projects, worksheets, and more to foster a fun and engaging learning environment for young students. | |
 | Crimson Educationhttps://www.crimsoneducation.org/us/blog/ Learn about the latest admissions news, test prep, extracurriculars, essays and interviews advice, to help get into the top US and UK universities. | |
 | Mrs. Beers ELA Classroomhttps://mrsbeers.com/blog/ A middle school language arts teacher who shares teaching strategies, classroom ideas, and lesson plans to help inspire ELA teachers across the world! | |