| Run Eat Repeathttps://runeatrepeat.com/blog/ Run Eat Repeat is a site which covers running, recipes, weight loss and lifestyle topics through it's articles and podcast series. | |
 | Muscle and Fitnesshttps://www.muscleandfitness.com/ Muscle and Fitness provides it's readers with practical workout and nutrition advice that they can follow to get in better shape. | |
 | Breaking Musclehttps://breakingmuscle.com/ BreakingMuscle provides advice and information on fitness, workouts and healthy eating, as well as selling coaching tutorials. | |
 | Fitbit Bloghttps://blog.fitbit.com/ Fitbit.com provides advice, help and inspiration for those looking to reach fitness and health goals, the site also supplies it's own Fitbit products. | |
 | Runtastichttps://www.runtastic.com/blog/en The Runtastic blog covers aspects of health, fitness, nutrition and weight-loss through it's detailed articles and mobile phone apps. | |
 | Legion Athleticshttps://legionathletics.com/blog Legion Athletics shares articles and podcasts on building muscle and burning fat, they also provide custom coaching and meal plans. | |
 | Fit Bottomed Girlshttp://fitbottomedgirls.com/ Fit Bottomed Girls provides articles on podcasts featuring health information and workout advice, the site also features fat-loss coaching. | |
 | Blogilateshttps://www.blogilates.com/blog/ Blogilates is a fun and innovative exercise site featuring various workouts, food advice and a clothing range. | |
 | The Fitnessistahttps://fitnessista.com/ The Fitnessista offers information and guidance on fitness, recipes, family and lifestyle through a range of books and online articles. | |
 | National Academy of Sports Medicine Bloghttps://blog.nasm.org/ Fitness, personal training, nutrition, and wellness topics written from the scientific perspective of NASM subject matter experts. | |
 | Tony Gentilcorehttps://tonygentilcore.com/blog/ Tony Gentilcore teaches people how to increase their physical capabilities through articles on the site, coaching and programmes he offers and a number of products for sale. | |
 | Nerd Fitnesshttps://www.nerdfitness.com/ Nerd Fitness provides both personalised coaching and a community to help it's members to lose weight, gain strength and become healthier. | |
 | Born Fitnesshttps://www.bornfitness.com/blog/ Born Fitness is a resource of fitness and nutrition knowledge, the site also offers its own coaching programme. | |
 | Ali On The Runhttp://www.aliontherunblog.com/ Ali On The Run is a running related podcast featuring interviews with influential industry experts, the shows link out to products discussed in the episodes. | |
 | Bony to Beastlyhttps://bonytobeastly.com/ Bony to Beastly help skinny and skinny-fat guys build muscle, gain strength, and get fit by lifting weights, eating big, and living a healthy lifestyle. | |
 | 12 Minute Athletehttps://www.12minuteathlete.com/blog/ 12 Minute Athlete is a HIIT workout site which provides it's own exercise app and fitness equipment. | |
 | A Foodie Stays Fithttp://www.afoodiestaysfit.com/ A Foodie Stays Fit is running and lifestyle blog which features stories, advice and recommended products. | |
 | AbsoluteEndurancehttps://www.trainabsolute.com/articles/ Absolute Endurance is a personal training and endurance coaching company focused on helping individuals reach their goals. | |
 | Ben Greenfield Fitnesshttps://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/ Ben Greenfield Fitness provides advice and information across all aspects of fitness, the site supplies coaching, supplements and gear for sale. | |
 | Bony to Bombshellhttps://bonytobombshell.com/ Bony to Bombshell help skinny and underweight women gain healthy weight, build muscle, gain strength, and improve their general health. | |
 | Comeback Mommahttps://www.comebackmomma.com/ CombackMomma provides inspiration for a happy and healthy life through articles on health, fitness, food and so much more. | |
 | Dai Manuelhttps://www.daimanuel.com/blog/ Dai Manuel is a lifestyle mentor who bases his teachings on fun, fitness, family, faith and finances. He offers a coaching programme for his readers. | |
 | Elly McGuinnesshttps://ellymcguinness.com/blog/ Elly has been helping women to become the fittest, healthiest version of themselves for 20+ years. Jump on her Holistic Health Highway for sustainable fitness advice and support. | |
 | FitActionshttps://fitactions.com/ FitActions represents a sample of effective and challenging fitness actions you can take every day right at home. The blog provides practical advice and guidance. | |
 | FitGAGhttps://fitgag.com/training/ FitGAG is the funniest blog that will make you fit & healthy! You will get the latest news and detailed information about health, fitness and nutrition in a fun way. | |
 | Get Healthy Uhttps://gethealthyu.com/ Get Healthy U provides guides on how to maintain a happy and healthy life, as well as having an E-Course for it's audience to improve their health. | |
 | HFE Bloghttps://www.hfe.co.uk/blog/ HFE are one of the UK's leading fitness qualification providers. Through experts and industry professionals, they provide high-quality, fitness-related blog content. | |
 | Muscle Evohttps://muscleevo.net/blog/ Muscle Evo provides science-based advice to help it's readers to separate fitness fact from fiction. | |
 | Muscle Hackhttps://musclehack.com/blog/ Muscle Hack teaches how to shed fat and build muscle through a series of articles and with use of it's T.H.T. workout programme. | |
 | Natalie Jill Fitnesshttps://www.nataliejillfitness.com/blog/ Natalie Jill Fitness provides guidance on nutrition and fitness to her audience through articles and programmes featured on the site. | |
 | Outlifthttps://outlift.com/articles/ Outlift help people gain muscle size and strength, with a focus on lifting weights, eating a good diet, and living a healthy lifestyle. | |
 | Ross Traininghttp://rosstraining.com/blog/ Ross Training teaches people to go from ordinary to extraordinary with the help of their articles and forum. The site also has it's own coaching and apparel range. | |
 | Scooby's Home Workoutshttps://scoobysworkshop.com/blog/ Scooby's Workshop provides guides on exercises, weight-loss and nutrition whilst also providing tools and a forum to help you on your journey. | |
 | The Workout Mamahttp://theworkoutmama.com/ The Workout Mama, ran by a personal trainer and nutrition coach covers topics such as workouts, recipes and motherhood through articles on the site. | |
 | Torokhtiy Olympic Weightliftinghttps://torokhtiy.com/pages/blog Blog about olympic weightlifting and strength training written by Olympic Gold Medalist Oleksiy Torokhtiy | |