| Medical News Todayhttps://www.medicalnewstoday.com/ Medical News Today provides real and practical advice to help the readers prevent illness and cure ailments through an abundance of articles on the site. | |
 | WebMDhttps://www.webmd.com/ WebMD aims to provide articles and videos that give the audience better information that can improve their lives, they cover topics such as health, fitness, drugs, and supplements. | |
 | mindbodygreenhttps://www.mindbodygreen.com/ Mind Body Green uses articles and podcasts to share knowledge of mindfulness, food, movement and lifestyle topics. | |
 | Harvard Health Bloghttps://www.health.harvard.edu/blog Harvard Health Blog derives from Harvard medical school and helps the readers to stay healthy by providing advice on a full range of medical conditions and preventions. | |
 | Healthline Nutritionhttps://www.healthline.com/nutrition Healthline Nutrition provides daily articles about nutrition, weight loss and health, all based on scientific evidence. | |
 | Nutrition Factshttps://nutritionfacts.org/blog/ Nutrition Facts helps the readers select a healthier diet on them through a series of articles, videos and podcast episodes, all of the information shared is based on scientific facts. | |
 | Mercola Natural Healthhttps://articles.mercola.com/sites/current.aspx Mercola promotes natural health and fitness with easy to follow articles providing guidance on how to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. | |
 | Wellness Mamahttps://wellnessmama.com/blog/ Wellness Mama gives it's audience simple answers to create healthier families whilst discussing health, remedies, recipes, and much more in their articles, books, and podcast episodes. | |
 | Healthistahttps://www.healthista.com/ Healthista wants to help their readers love themselves, though articles on topics such as health, fitness, recipes, diets, and more. | |
 | Mark's Daily Applehttps://www.marksdailyapple.com/blog/ Mark's Daily Apple helps people to understand the fundamentals of living a primal lifestyle, his teachings are shared in articles, a podcast and a community forum where they discuss diet, nutrition, and fitness. | |
 | Dr. Axehttps://draxe.com/ Dr. Axe releases content on a range of topics such as fitness, remedies, low carb diets, and health advice. | |
 | Food Politicshttps://www.foodpolitics.com/ Food Politics is a series of articles and publications focused on news, reviews and developments within the global world of food. | |
 | Diet Doctorhttps://www.dietdoctor.com/ Diet Doctor is designed to provide the reader with information on low carb and keto diets, so that they are informed to lose healthy weight. | |
 | Examinehttps://examine.com/nutrition/ Examine helps it's audience to learn what work with regards to nutrition and supplements, by acting as an unbiased source.
Their goal is: read the research, make sense of it, and put it online. | |
 | Bulletproofhttps://www.bulletproof.com/blog/ Whilst Bulletproof are known for their coffee, the site covers health, fitness, and workout advice for it's audience. | |
 | The Healthy Foodiehttps://thehealthyfoodie.com/ The Healthy Foodie has set out to prove that eating healthily doesn't have to be boring by providing fun and nutritious recipes. | |
 | Nom Nom Paleohttps://nomnompaleo.com/ Nom Nom Paleo is a resource of recipes, meal plans and cookbooks all related to the paleo diet. The information is shared through a series of articles and podcast episodes. | |
 | Eating Bird Foodhttps://www.eatingbirdfood.com/ Eating Bird food covers workouts but mainly the creation of new recipes, it is designed to help the audience live happier and healthier lives. | |
 | Chris Kresserhttps://chriskresser.com/articles/ Chris Kresser shares his expertise on a whole host of health and medical topics through articles on the site, he also offers private patient services. | |
 | The Healthy Homehttps://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/ The Healthy Home Economist wants to help it's reader to embrace a healthier lifestyle with articles and books covering traditional diets and holistic health. | |
 | Hearing Trackerhttps://www.hearingtracker.com/news HearingTracker.com is America's #1 resource for hearing aid shoppers. The website features a product review platform, provider directory, active community forum, and news. | |
 | fANNEtastic foodhttps://www.fannetasticfood.com/blog Fannetastic Food helps inspire others to lead happier, healthier live by understanding that being healthy doesn't have to be complicated, or indeed dull. | |
 | Kath Eats Real Foodhttps://www.katheats.com/ Kath Eats Real Food is a lifestyle and healthy food blog which gives wholesome, balanced and nutritious recipe ideas to it's readers. | |
 | Strala Yogahttps://stralayoga.com/blog/ Tara Stiles is a yoga training manual which covers all aspects of yoga, movement and healthy eating through a mixture of articles, videos, and books. | |
 | Nutrition Strippedhttps://nutritionstripped.com/articles/ Nutrition Stripped makes it simple for the readers to live a whole life, eat well and feel amazing in the process, through informative articles on the site. | |
 | A Healthy Slice of Lifehttps://www.ahealthysliceoflife.com/ A Healthy Slice of Life is a site about parenting, food and natural living. The author Brittany has also released a weaning book for her audience. | |
 | Black Girl's Guide to Weight Losshttps://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/ Black Girl's Guide to Weight Loss covers one woman's quest for health, happiness, and healing, whilst inspiring others. | |
 | Diane Sanfilippohttps://balancedbites.com/blog/ Balanced Bites is a resource creation to provide tools that allow people to have better nutrition, a healthier mindset and more control in their lives. | |
 | Diet vs Diseasehttps://www.dietvsdisease.org/ The blog provides cutting-edge guides and simple meal plans for specific medical conditions, so that you can enjoy food without the stress, and live your healthiest, happiest life. | |
 | Fat-Burning Manhttps://fatburningman.com/read/ Fat Burning Man is a blog and podcast designed to share methods of burning fat and building muscle, essentially highlighting their 'wild diet' programme. | |
 | Fitwirrhttps://www.fitwirr.com/ Practical and expert tips on health and fitness. From nutrition tips, healthy recipes to step-by-step workout guides, we aim to help you live a healthier life. | |
 | Jeanette's Healthy Livinghttp://jeanetteshealthyliving.com/ Jeanette's Healthy Living is a collection of recipes designed to be healthy and full or flavour, but also providing goodness to those on special diets or in need of strength. | |
 | NATUREALhttps://www.natu-real.com/blogs/news NATUREAL takes pride in their endeavor to leverage the healing properties that exist in nature. Your destination blog for fitness, nutrition and wellness tips. | |
 | Nutrition Realmhttps://nutritionrealm.com/ The Nutrition Realm blog provides simple, affordable, and effective solutions to the everyday questions you may have regarding personal health. | |
 | Primal Peakhttps://primalpeak.com/blog/ Primal Peak is a resource for wellness and healthy living, emphasizing real food for real families, through informative articles, nourishing recipes, and inspiration. | |
 | RawBeautySourcehttps://rawbeautysource.com/ Medical articles based on objective scientific information, research, and transparency. The site collaborates with practicing doctors, dietitians and health professionals. | |
 | Selfhackedhttps://selfhacked.com/posts/ Selfhacked helps it's audience to life healthier lives by discussing nutrition, natural substances, biohacking science, and a range of conditions and the foods to avoid. | |
 | Stephanie Cuestrahttps://www.stephcuesta.com/blog Stephanie shares all aspects of her journey into health including her recent pregnancy updates. | |
 | The Doctor Weighs Inhttps://thedoctorweighsin.com The Doctor Weighs In is a trusted resource for health information with many engaging articles written by doctors. All stories are fact-checked and medically reviewed. | |
 | The Paleo Solutionhttps://robbwolf.com/blog/ Robb Wolf uses his podcast to provide revolutionary solutions to modern life, covering topics such as fitness, weight loss, and various diet reviews. | |
 | The Somatics Bloghttps://somaticmovementcenter.com/the-somatics-blog/ The Somatics Blog discusses how to take control of your health and recover from chronic pain and many lifestyle-related health conditions. | |