| BroBiblehttps://brobible.com/ Find the latest articles for everything guys care about, whether it’s video games, sports, fashion advice, dating tips, pop culture, and more. | |
 | GQhttps://www.gq.com/ A well-known men’s magazine focused on men’s fashion, style, grooming, and improving lifestyle habits. There are fitness tips and nutrition advice as well as articles on men’s culture. | |
 | The Art of Manlinesshttps://www.artofmanliness.com/ Advice for men on how to improve their lives. Topics range from health and fitness to mindset advice to relationship tips. | |
 | Men's Healthhttps://www.menshealth.com/ A popular male-oriented magazine covering everything from workouts and fitness to sex and dating advice. Technology, lifestyle, and grooming tips also available. | |
 | Men's Journalhttps://www.mensjournal.com/ A male-oriented magazine covering topics of health, style, food, travel, adventure, gear, and more. Also advice on tech and lifestyle. | |
 | Man of Manyhttps://manofmany.com/ Man of Many is Australia's Largest Men's Lifestyle Site. The latest in gear, fashion, tech, cars, style, products, sneakers, travel, whisky, culture & more. | |
 | The Good Men Projecthttps://goodmenproject.com/ A popular site focusing on how men can not only improve the world but each other. There are tips on how to be a better partner and father as well as a place to give and seek advice. | |
 | Uncratehttps://uncrate.com/ A publication catering to male interests. Topics cover cars, tech, style, houses, alcohol, coffee, grooming, and more. | |
 | FashionBeanshttps://www.fashionbeans.com/ Get the latest advice on menswear, fashion, hairstyles, accessories, shoes, and more. There are also lifestyle tips on how to improve dating, interior design, and fitness, among other things. | |
 | HiConsumptionhttps://hiconsumption.com/ Get the best tips on gear, tech, style, rides, outdoor living, and more from this men’s digital magazine. Also get grooming advice, entertainment, and tips on how to avoid vices. | |
 | Valet.http://www.valetmag.com/ A men’s style blog with a focus on fashion, living well, health and fitness, and other areas men need to know. There are also features of culture, drinking, dating, and traveling. | |
 | Cool Materialhttps://coolmaterial.com/ The daily source of gear, insider info, and insightful articles on the things, ideas, and values guys want. Not only find men’s products and gifts but sale notifications and gift ideas as well. | |
 | Primerhttps://www.primermagazine.com/ A guide for the self-made man. The site provides tips on affordable style, how-tos, self-development, apartment design, and more. Also get advice on love and finances. | |
 | Real Men Real Stylehttps://www.realmenrealstyle.com/ Tips from a men’s style expert to help guys have control over how people perceive them. Subjects include style and grooming in addition to communication skills and more. | |
 | GearMoosehttps://gearmoose.com/ If it’s something you should wear, carry, drive, look at, and/or drink, they’ll write about it, in the best way possible. | |
 | The Coolectorhttps://www.thecoolector.com The Coolector is a men's lifestyle magazine focusing on design, fashion, technology, travel and more. | |
 | Gentleman's Gazettehttps://www.gentlemansgazette.com/archive/ A style guide helping men evolve their fashion from plain to elegant. The site not only covers clothing, shoes and boots, grooming, and accessories but etiquette as well. | |
 | Style Girlfriendhttps://stylegirlfriend.com/blog/ Men’s fashion tips from a female perspective. Guys want to look great but sometimes miss the mark. This site fixes that and teaches guys how to be better with women. | |
 | Ape to Gentlemanhttps://www.apetogentleman.com/ An online evolution of a traditional men’s magazine giving practical contemporary style advice, intelligent living, and tips on how to live with value. Aims to promote self-growth in readers. | |
 | WERDhttps://www.werd.com Since 2009, they’ve curated an extensive list of guy stuff. We strive to be at the bleeding edge of what’s new in gear, gadgets and menswear. | |
 | Next Luxuryhttps://nextluxury.com/ An online magazine for today’s gentleman. Advice not only centers on fashion and style tips but also how to grow intellectual pursuits, sophistication, charm, and elegance. | |
 | Mantelligencehttps://www.mantelligence.com/articles/ Men’s guide featuring a variety of topics, including dating advice, how to live with integrity, how to dress better, and life hacks. Content is actional, easy to understand, and in-depth. | |
 | Man's World Indiahttps://www.mansworldindia.com/ An in-depth men’s magazine on entertainment, culture, influential people, sports, style and luxury, gadgets, and more. | |
 | The Adult Manhttps://theadultman.com/ The no BS guide to adulthood for men. Featuring practical advice on men's fashion, style, hair, grooming, lifestyle, fitness, relationships, and more. | |
 | Mens Fashion Magazinehttp://www.mensfashionmagazine.com/ Get articles on men’s fashion and grooming, lifestyle, health and wellness, and accessories. There’s also pop culture commentary and articles on what readers can learn from popular men. | |
 | Ashley Westonhttps://ashleyweston.com/ She’s a celebrity menswear stylist who has been called “Hollywood’s most powerful stylist.” She provides tips and tricks for how all men can look and feel better. | |
 | He Spoke Stylehttp://hespokestyle.com/ A site for regular guys to get style tips and practical advice on how to look and feel better. There’s not only a glossary of fashion and grooming terms but style guides as well. | |
 | I Am Alpha Mhttps://iamalpham.com/ Aaron Marino is a men’s image consultant and men’s style expert. This website culminates all his knowledge of men’s fashion, grooming, lifestyle, fitness, and more. | |
 | The GentleManualhttps://www.ties.com/blog A site helping men find affordable and great-looking menswear in addition to providing tips on how to wear them. Also answers men’s fashion and etiquette questions. | |
 | AskMenhttps://uk.askmen.com/ A men’s improvement blog covering topics from news, sex, dating, style, fashion, grooming, fitness, gears, man skills, and more. | |
 | Coachhttps://www.coachmag.co.uk/ A UK-based men’s magazine focusing on improving the lives of men. Get tips on boosting style, food, fitness, travel, and more. | |
 | Knowledge For Menhttps://www.knowledgeformen.com/ A website that helps men navigate the world. Articles advise men on how to improve their dating success, mindset amidst chaos, improve fashion and grooming, build healthy masculinity, and more. | |
 | Slick Motivehttps://www.slickmotive.com/ Slick Motive is a men's lifestyle blog with an edge. The urban culture hub for men across the globe. No corporate uniforms here, just dope opinions on music, style and culture! | |
 | Guys Gabhttps://www.guysgab.com/ Guys Gab is a popular men’s lifestyle blog that covers cars/trucks, technology, movies, music, TV, girls, fitness, travel, product reviews, and more! | |
 | The Modest Manhttps://www.themodestman.com/blog/ Practical, honest, in-depth advice for men who want to look good, smell great, buy smart and feel more confident. | |
 | Blog for Menhttps://www.blogformen.com/ A guide for all things screaming ‘Man’! Be it Clothes, Essential Grooming Hacks, Styling Tips, Products for Style and Fashion and Brands Fix to Flaunt the Elegance of Manhood. | |
 | Dudefluencerhttps://dudefluencer.com/ Dudefluencer is a men's magazine dedicated to positive masculinity. We believe in content that focuses on self-care, personal growth, and forming strong communities. | |
 | Men’s Gearhttps://mensgear.net Men’s Gear is the digital magazine manly men want to read. We started back in 2012, writing about awesome gear, the sickest rides, cool tech gadgets, style, fine whiskey and more. | |
 | Pinstripe Magazinehttps://pinstripemag.com/ Men's lifestyle blog on how to make money & spend money. They educate readers on topics like Real Estate, stocks plus showcase gadgets, men's fashion, cars, travel & more. | |
 | Irreverent Genthttp://irreverentgent.com/ Irreverent Gent shares smart advice that helps guys look good and live well, all in a fun, witty and (of course) irreverent voice that's easy to read. | |