Get An Actionable SEO Audit of Your Site, On Video, Without Any Upsells* -
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Get An Actionable SEO Audit of Your Site, On Video, Without Any Upsells*

*Guaranteed. We currently have no availability for on-going projects so you won’t be pitched a thing. All value is in your private recording.

I absolutely love helping people improve their websites – I’ve recorded 500+ of these videos for charity – but my time is limited and I want to continue to enjoy the process.

With that in mind, I a few rules in place to make sure I can provide a ton of value and enjoy what I do.


You’ll only order one video audit per site.

I do these audits because I genuinely enjoy looking at sites in different niches and giving advice on how to improve them. I love the challenge of finding problems, quickly.

Because we have no availability for on-going projects, please don’t “stack” these videos and order multiple for one site.


Your website must be at least partially written in English.

I have nothing against websites written in other languages but I don’t enjoy trying to analyse pages I don’t understand and it takes me out of the flow of giving advice (I want to give actionable steps, quickly).

On a technical level, it’s also really hard to be able to say “This page shouldn’t exist” or “This page is lacking value” and I don’t trust translation tools when making big calls.


Your website doesn’t cover adult, gambling or illegal content.

Due to where our business is registered, there are specific topics that are off-limits and to be honest, I would rather not cover. No judgement from me – you do you – but you’ll have to get help from another SEO.


The audit is just for us and your close team. Not the world.

I talk personally and to the point in these audits, and sometimes use private, custom tools to give better insights. I can’t control what you do of course, but I would never share your site or its issues and would prefer that my feedback isn’t shared beyond your close team.


You’ll make limited changes to pages already attracting significant search traffic.

Unless your website is new and / or doesn’t pick up much search traffic, it’s better to play things safe by making limited changes (if any at all) to pages which are currently ranking well.

Not for you? Absolutely no problem. Thanks for stopping by!

500 Audits. 100% of Funds to a Dog Shelter. Or, Why These Rules Exist.

Let’s get personal for a second.

Her name was Muffin, a stray dog I found wandering outside with cuts on her face, needing serious care. I bought a cage, put her in my car, and drove to a nearby dog shelter. That shelter took care of her for weeks without asking for anything in return, before rehoming her from the streets of Asia to a new loving home in Canada.

I was overwhelmed by what they had done for her, and I wanted to raise both awareness of what they were doing and funds to further their mission.

That’s when I had the idea: I’ll audit your site for a small fee, on video, and give you private insights on what to change. Oh, and 100% of proceeds will go to that dog shelter.

The offer blew up, and for the next few weeks I did nothing but spend all day reviewing websites and offering feedback.

Muffin was flown from the streets Asia to a new home in Canada 🇨🇦, thanks to an amazing charity your audits supported

Around a year later I would do it again, resulting in over 500 sites I had given private advice on with incredible feedback.

It turns out that while I wasn’t making any money, I still absolutely loved doing these audits. Giving people one-on-one feedback on where they were going wrong and how to take their websites to the next level is pretty fun.

The dog shelter no longer exists in its original form, but I have some plans to support special charities in the very near future.

As I write this in 2024, I’m recording dozens of these each week and the feedback has been incredible.

All of these emails were received during the most recent opening

This brings us to today, where I still really enjoy recording these audits and find a lot of insights to share, but I don’t have the availability I had back then.

We have large client projects. A full-fledged training program called SEO Blueprint. I can spend weeks writing individual reports here on Detailed. We regularly update the (free) Detailed SEO Extension for Chrome & Firefox, which recently surpassed 250,000 active weekly users, plus two other extensions you’ll see me use when I look at your site.

And finally, we also have other sites and projects outside of Detailed.

You could say that for an intentionally small team, we’re pretty busy.

This is a long way of saying that I would love to look at your site and offer feedback, but I can only look at a couple of sites each day, and I would like the above rules to be respected.

They allow me to enjoy what I’m doing much more, and I don’t have to refund people who order reviews for non-English sites who missed the FAQ’s on the next page.

Thanks for understanding!

Not for you? Absolutely no problem. Thanks for stopping by!

Meet the man behind Detailed, Glen Allsopp

That's not me on the conference stage, but that is my work on the screen, presented by the Vice President of a $390M/year business (Yext).

I'm pretty proud of the work he's presenting: My deep-dive into how just 16 companies behind 500+ websites are dominating Google's search results.

I've been writing about SEO since I was 16 years old, and now at 33 I've advised some of the biggest brands on the internet like ConvertKit, Buffer, Ahrefs, Kinsta and many more.

Over a single 12 month period alone, through our SEO agency, we've helped our clients acquire millions of extra visitors from Google.

Detailed is all about sharing everything I can to help you with your online journey.

Meet the man behind Detailed, Glen Allsopp

"Think of us like the Bloomberg of SEO."

Exclusive insights from tracking the rankings & revenue of 3,078 digital goliaths.

    "Glen found a very sneaky technical SEO issue on our homepage. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes goes a long way."


    "Glen's recommendations helped us improve crawl budget, remove deadweight pages and led to overall improvements in organic traffic to our key pages."


    "I've been a practitioner of digital marketing for over a decade and I've learned more from Glen about SEO than anyone else."