| Seeking Alphahttps://seekingalpha.com/ Seeking Alpha is an investing community which includes millions of passionate investors who connect daily to discuss the latest news, debate the merits of stocks and investment decisions. | |
 | MarketWatchhttps://www.marketwatch.com/markets MarketWatch shares breaking industry news and in-depth analysis to ensure investors receive the the most important and critical information that they need. | |
 | Calculated Riskhttps://www.calculatedriskblog.com/ The Calculated Risk blog publishes very regular updates covering the very latest market news and industry analysis, that allows it's readers to then make informed stocks decisions. | |
 | Trade Brainshttps://tradebrains.in/blog/ Trade brains is a financial education blog focused to teach stock market investing and personal finance to the DIY (do-it-yourself) Investors. | |
 | The Motley Foolhttps://www.fool.co.uk/ The Motley Fool is dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. Founded in the US in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, it helps people attain financial freedom through their website. | |
 | A Wealth of Common Sensehttps://awealthofcommonsense.com/ A Wealth of Common Sense is a blog that focuses on wealth management, investments, financial markets and investor psychology; created by Ben Carlson. | |
 | The Big Picturehttps://ritholtz.com/ The Big Picture was created by Barry Ritholtz. His focus has long been how the intersection of behavioural economics and data analysis affects investors. | |
 | Value Walkhttps://www.valuewalk.com/ The mission of Value Walk is to provide a framework which allows people to improve their investing processes, while collecting newsworthy information in market trends. | |
 | StockChartshttps://stockcharts.com/articles/index.html StockCharts provides a daily blog which provides insights into the markets through an experts perspective, whilst also offering advice and analysing the latest industry news. | |
 | Bulls on Wall Streethttps://bullsonwallstreet.com/blog/ The Bulls on Wall Street blog aims to provide top-notch trading education and actionable trade ideas, to enable their readers to make more informed investment decisions. | |
 | Timothy Sykeshttps://www.timothysykes.com/blog/ Timothy Sykes became a self-made millionaire by the age of 21, trading thousands of penny stocks (I know). The blog covers the latest industry news and advice on how to invest in penny stocks. | |
 | Day Trade Reviewhttps://daytradereview.com/ The Day Trade Review blog covers industry news and analysis, as well as the latest reviews of stock brokers, chat rooms, and various courses | |
 | Meb Faber Researchhttps://mebfaber.com/ Meb Faber is co-founder and the Chief Investment Officer of Cambria Investment Management, and author of multiple books. His blog provides regular stock market and investment news. | |
 | Daily Reckoninghttps://www.dailyreckoning.com.au/ The Daily Reckoning blog provides up-to-date financial market news and analysis that their Australian investor audience needs to know. | |
 | The Irrelevant Investorhttps://theirrelevantinvestor.com/ The Irrelevant Investor is written by Michael Batnick who is director of research at Ritholtz Wealth Management, this blog brings you the top news and latest trends in the industry. | |
 | Market Chesshttps://marketchess.com/ Market Chess features chessNwine who has been a popular trader and financial blogger since 2009. He provides consistent, actionable, educational, and entertaining analysis and commentary about the markets. | |
 | INO.comhttps://www.ino.com/blog/ The INO.com blog provides expert industry analysis, including reviews of charts, various trading tips, and videos, all intended to support their readers make better informed investments. | |
 | Dragonfly Capitalhttps://dragonflycap.com/ Dragonfly Capital provides regular insights into the current state of the stock market, and what valuable information they can see from the charts. | |
 | Finance Brokeragehttps://www.financebrokerage.com/ Finance Brokerage is the leading source of most recent and relevant information on forex, economy, technologies, stocks, and cryptocurrencies news. | |
 | TraderFeedhttp://traderfeed.blogspot.com/ The aim of the TraderFeed blog is to exploit the edge of investing from historical market patterns, thereby providing their audience with balanced analysis they can take forward for their own investments. | |
 | Bullish Bearshttps://bullishbears.com/stock-market-blog/ The Bullish Bears is a home for new traders to take free stock market courses and learn all about trading stocks, options and futures at their own pace. | |
 | Option Strategisthttps://www.optionstrategist.com/blog The Option Strategist blog was founded by Lawrence G. McMillan as a way to provide options-oriented advice, money management, and education since 1990. | |
 | Goode Tradeshttps://www.goodetrades.com/ The Goode Trades blog, ran by Michael Goode, aims to be the best source of information and analysis for stock promotions and penny stock news. | |
 | Flirting With Modelshttps://blog.thinknewfound.com/ Flirting With Models if the research library of Newfound Research. The information provided is intended to support investors with managing sequence risk. | |
 | Factor Tradinghttps://www.peterlbrandt.com/blog/ Peter Brandt is a well respected name in the industry, and his public trading blog shares market reviews and future opportunities. | |
 | Finscreenerhttps://www.finscreener.org/blog Finscreener's blog focuses on news and comments on the stock market, economic trends and more. In addition, they are actively seeking and bringing interviews with small companies | |
 | DivHuthttp://divhut.com/ The goal of this site is to inform and entertain as I wish to educate my readers about stock investing in a simple and easy to read manner. | |
 | TradingSimhttps://tradingsim.com/blog/ The mission of TradingSim is to help create profitable retail traders by providing the tools and educational resources reserved for trading professionals. | |
 | Crossing Wall Streethttp://www.crossingwallstreet.com/ Crossing Wall Street, created by Eddy Effenbein, provides investors with free valuable lessons and unbiased views of the stock market. | |
 | UK Value Investorhttps://www.ukvalueinvestor.com/ UK Value Investor was created for high yield investors and publishes one article per week containing the latest company reviews and market valuations. | |
 | CityFalconhttps://www.cityfalcon.com/blog/ CityFalcon covers the latest market news and analysis, as well as in-depth investing guides for anyone starting out in stocks. | |
 | Freetradehttps://blog.freetrade.io/ The Freetrade blog covers investment news in a simple, beautiful, and commission-free way through regularly updated content. | |
 | UK Investor Magazinehttps://ukinvestormagazine.co.uk/category/shares/ UK Investor Magazine produces regular content diving into the latest stocks news and market analysis. | |
 | Vantage Point Tradinghttps://vantagepointtrading.com/ Vantage Point Trading is a forex, futures, and stock trading resource which has been running since 2007. The goal of this site is to help those who want to trade succeed. | |
 | Trading Strategy Guideshttps://tradingstrategyguides.com/blog/ The aim of the blog is to help traders and investors of all levels in all walks of life with the best trading strategies and current market information. | |
 | NinjaTraderhttps://ninjatrader.com/blog/ The NinjaTrader futures and forex trading blog provides the latest news, industry updates, and exclusive commentary for the NinjaTrader community. | |
 | Lightspeedhttps://www.lightspeed.com/active-trading-blog/ The Lightspeed Active Trading blog is a division of Limer Brokerage. The blog covers a variety of investment topics including market analysis and the latest industry news. | |
 | Liberated Stock Traderhttps://www.liberatedstocktrader.com/ Liberated Stock Trader enables readers to understand core concepts of the stock market and enables them to always make informed decisions about where their money will go. | |
 | Marvin Germohttps://marvingermo.com/blogs/ The aim of Marvin is to breakdown complicated investment concepts and translate it into something that is simple, basic and understandable to a wider investment audience. | |
 | SG Wealth Builderhttps://sgwealthbuilder.com/ The SG Wealth Builder was founded by Gerald, to create a blog that would be useful for people in their wealth building journey. The motto of this blog is “to make money, to build wealth and to preserve wealth”. | |
 | The Blue Collar Investorhttps://www.thebluecollarinvestor.com/blog/ The Blue Collar Investor teaches people how to invest using stock options. Essentially, the blog is designed to help thousands of people beat the market consistently on their way to financial independence. | |
 | BlackRock Bloghttps://www.blackrockblog.com/ The BlackRock blog provides practical advice, up-to-date industry trend analysis, and also looks to the future with insightful thoughts. | |
 | Terry's Tips Stock Optionshttps://www.terrystips.com/blog/ Terry's blog covers the few strategies that consistently yield extraordinary gains, even when the market stays flat. Readers can follow this practical advice to support their own investments. | |
 | The Investor Weeklyhttps://theinvestorweekly.com A simple, consistent platform that provides investment commentary and opinions. No frills, just quality research that helps investors navigate the perplexing world of investing. | |
 | Blog by Tickertapehttps://blog.tickertape.in/ Blog by Tickertape offers a treasure-trove of information on personal finance, stocks, and current events in the domains. Tickertape is an investment analysis platform. | |
 | Engineer my Freedomhttps://www.engineermyfreedom.com/blog/ Engineermyfreedom is a personal finance blog which documents my path to financial freedom mainly through dividend investing. | |
 | European Dividend Growth Investorhttps://www.europeandgi.com European Dividend Growth Investor shares his journey towards retiring early in Europe via dividend investing. It's one of the few blogs focused on European investors. | |
 | jeff sun tradinghttps://www.jeffsuntrading.com/ Daily US stock trading opportunities, and updates of opportunities, along with weekly market analysis, | |
 | Dr Wealthhttps://www.drwealth.com/blog/ Dr Wealth writes about the financial markets, with the aim to help individual DIY investors make better investment decisions. | |
 | Inspire To FIREhttps://www.inspiretofire.com/blog/ Inspire To FIRE is about inspiring others towards financial independence. They discuss popular topics like Barista FIRE and compare index funds and ETFs. | |