| The Organic Prepperhttps://www.theorganicprepper.com/ The Organic Prepper is a blog by Daisy Luther, where she documents her past, and current experiences, all with the aim of passing on valuable preparedness advice to her readers. | |
 | TruePrepperhttps://www.trueprepper.com/ TruePrepper is a preparedness resource grounded in risk analysis. They share the best prepping guides available, review survival gear with obsessive attention to detail. | |
 | Ask a Prepperhttps://www.askaprepper.com/ Ask a Prepper shares how to prepare, survive and thrive. Their "how to" articles allow their readers to keep up with the latest survival news and provides practical advice and guidance.
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 | Prepared Survivalisthttps://www.preparedsurvivalist.org/ The Prepared Survivalist is designed to be your place for anything survival and preparedness related. Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned veteran in the survival/preparedness community. | |
 | Prepper Websitehttp://www.prepperwebsite.com/ Prepper Website and The Prepper Website Podcast are resources run by Todd Sepulveda. His goal is to help you become more self-reliant so you can love your people, get prepared and live free. | |
 | Survivopediahttps://www.survivopedia.com/ Survivopedia helps people regain their peace of mind – by becoming more self-reliant and self sufficient in all aspects of life: from putting food on the table, to keeping your loved one safe, and staying in good health. | |
 | SHTF bloghttp://shtfblog.com/ SHTFblog has been around for years. It has changed hands a few times. Though, now the founder has bought it back, and aims to bring it back to life with a vengeance! | |
 | OFFGRID Survivalhttps://offgridsurvival.com/ OFFGRID Survivial is a preparedness/survival website that is dedicated to helping people become more self-reliant and better prepared to face the very real threats that exist in today’s world. | |
 | Geekprepperhttps://geekprepper.com Geekprepper.com publishes in-depth, thoroughly researched articles on prepping, survival, & SHTF topics. We have real world experience, and the content is accurate & data-backed. | |
 | Bunker Basicshttps://bunkerbasics.com/ Bunker Basics write about The Event and its potential causes. They discuss the how to go about prepping, the irresponsible behavior within the tech community, and more. | |
 | Survival Lifehttps://survivallife.com/ Survival Life aim to be a one-stop shop for those interested in prepping, bushcraft, off the grid living and self-defense. They take a logical and no-nonsense approach to survival without bias. | |
 | The Survival Momhttps://thesurvivalmom.com/ The Survival Mom blog was launched more than a decade ago, by a super-newbie blogger, Lisa Bedford and is now read by more than 220,000 visitors each month. Lisa shares practical survival and preparedness advice. | |
 | More Than Just Survivinghttps://morethanjustsurviving.com/ More Than Just Surviving is a survival blog that concentrates on wilderness survival, preparedness, and gear. Run by a two-person husband and wife team, this blog's mission is to offer a down to earth resource. | |
 | Skilled Survivalhttps://www.skilledsurvival.com/ A survival and preparedness site dedicated to helping people prepare, adapt and overcome whatever the future holds. | |
 | SurvivalBloghttps://survivalblog.com/ James Wesley, Rawles (“JWR”), a survivalist author and former U.S. Army Intelligence officer founded SurvivalBlog 15 years ago. The aim was to be part of something bigger: a virtual community. | |
 | Imminent Threat Solutionshttps://www.itstactical.com/ The site provides knowledge that empowers individuals with indispensable skill-sets to explore their world and prevail against all threats; built on a foundation of relentless questioning. | |
 | Apartment Prepperhttp://apartmentprepper.com/ There are some steps we can take now to become better prepared and self sufficient, while living in an apartment in a large city. This blog was created to help not only the site owner, but others who are in the same situation. | |
 | Modern Survival Onlinehttps://modernsurvivalonline.com/ The blog features a number of authors who are experts in their relative fields. This brings a wealth of experience and practical advice to the site, as various topics are covered in real depth. | |
 | Survival Sullivanhttps://www.survivalsullivan.com/ The blog describes itself as like no other. Chock-full of informative, high-quality articles, you will learn about every possible aspect of prepping and survival. It is designed to give you as much information as humanly possible. | |
 | Preparedness Advicehttps://preparednessadvice.com/ The Preparedness Advice blog contains answers to a whole host of prepping questions. This covers a wide array of topics which are written about in-depth in order to prepare their readers for any eventuality.
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 | The Survivalist Bloghttps://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/ TheSurvivalistBlog.net is one of the oldest and most informative survival and preparedness websites on the web. The team of writers is comprised of highly-experienced preppers, homesteaders and firearms experts. | |
 | Off The Grid Newshttps://www.offthegridnews.com/ ‘Off The Grid News’ is an independent, weekly email newsletter and website that is crammed full of practical information on living and surviving off the grid. Advice you’ll never hear from the mainstream media. | |
 | Backdoor Survivalhttps://www.backdoorsurvival.com/ Backdoor Survival was created to share the angst and concern about our deteriorating economy and its impact on ordinary, middle-class folks. And secondly, to become a prepper of the highest order and to share learnings. | |
 | Doom and Bloomhttps://www.doomandbloom.net/blog/ In circumstances when you have lost access to modern medicine, there is no substitute for being medically prepared. This blog aims to prepare their readers for exactly that scenario. | |
 | Ready Lifestylehttps://readylifestyle.com/ At Ready Lifestyle, their mission is to make sure that you have the right thought process, skills, and equipment to protect yourself and your family during the next major disaster or SHTF event. | |
 | The Simple Prepperhttps://www.thesimpleprepper.com/ The Simple Prepper is a survival blog devoted to educating the casual prepper on topics such as disaster preparedness, emergency survival, prepper kits, self-reliance, and personal defence. | |
 | Modern Survival Bloghttps://modernsurvivalblog.com/ Modern Survival Blog is about practical sensible preparedness. Couple that with the spirit of self reliance, an extent of sustainable living — all while pursuing life, liberty, and happiness. | |
 | Survival Cachehttps://survivalcache.com/ The Survival Cache team is dedicated to bringing you the most relevant survival information in the world. They are constantly discussing survival strategies, reviewing survival gear, tactical gear and weapons. | |
 | Surviving Prepperhttps://survivingprepper.com/ The Surviving Prepper blog contains a large range of practical tips, skills and advice, that enable who families to be fully prepared for any survival eventualities. | |
 | Preparedness Mamahttps://preparednessmama.com/ Taking the Scared out of being Prepared – PreparednessMama is there when you need her. The blog covers topics such as food storage, gardening and homesteading, frugal living, being prepared and making plans. | |
 | Bio Prepperhttps://www.bioprepper.com/ The Bio Prepper includes practical advice on topics such as self-sufficiency, survival, natural remedies, as well as a range of other areas that helps prepare their readers for any eventuality. | |
 | Urban Survivalhttps://urbansurvival.com/ This is George Ure's original survival blog, George is an expert in many fields and shares his notable views and practical advice to his readers, covering a variety of survival and prepping topics. | |
 | Survivalist Prepperhttps://survivalistprepper.net/recent-blog-articles/ The site was set up as you never know what waits around the next corner and cannot see into the future, but you can plan for it. The blog shows preparedness is about having the knowledge and skills to survive anything. | |
 | The Prepper Journalhttps://www.theprepperjournal.com/ The Prepper Journal is a daily survival blog devoted to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance and personal defence topics for readers who want to protect themselves and their family. | |
 | SHTF Preparednesshttps://www.shtfpreparedness.com/ The blog covers topics including SHTF, emergency preparedness, survival, prepping and homesteading, including practical advice and guidance for their readers. | |
 | Willow Haven Outdoorhttp://willowhavenoutdoor.com/ The Willow Haven Outdoor blog is part of a Survival & Disaster Preparedness training facility located in Central Indiana. Their mission is to promote, teach, share and preserve outdoor living and survival skills. | |
 | Ed That Mattershttps://www.edthatmatters.com/ The blog was created by Todd Sepulveda, who is an educator and minister. He focused his energy on providing the preparedness community with great free content on his various preparedness sites. | |
 | Survival Punkhttps://www.survivalpunk.com/ Survivalpunk is the home of a DIY Survival Blog where readers can learn how to survive any disaster with ingenuity, practical tips and guidance, and resourcefulness. | |
 | All Self-Sustainedhttps://www.allselfsustained.com/ The blog provides detailed articles on topics such as self-defence, survival, gardening, preparedness, health, and homesteading. All intended to support the path to self-sufficiency. | |
 | Mom With a Prephttps://momwithaprep.com/ Mom with a Prep was started with a single goal in mind: create a valuable resource for people who are dedicated to living a prepared life. Prepared in food, supplies, and deed. | |
 | Prepper Fortresshttps://www.prepperfortress.com/ With topics covered such as an economic collapse, disasters, survival, gardening, DIY, and prepping, the blog looks to provide all of the information anyone needs to prepare for any eventuality. | |
 | reThinkSurvival.comhttps://rethinksurvival.com/ This site is dedicated to providing top-notch family emergency preparedness resources, tools, and tips to better prepare you and your family for nearly any disaster or emergency situation. | |
 | Survival Froghttps://blog.survivalfrog.com/ Survival Frog is the largest and most trusted source for survival and preparedness products online. Their mission is to educate those who are ready to protect their families and to provide them with advice. | |
 | Preppers Survivehttp://www.prepperssurvive.com/ This blog is about emergency preparedness which means gathering supplies and knowledge in case of a natural disaster or crisis event. Their first goal in starting this website is to simplify Prepping. | |
 | The Preparedhttps://theprepared.com/blog/ The blog features modern, rational prepping guides and reviews. It contains no propaganda or spam, and they help you and your family get "common sense ready" quickly and cheaply. | |
 | Prepper's Willhttps://prepperswill.com/ Created by Bob Rodgers, he started this site as an information support for his friends and family but also to help his fellow Americans learn more about what it takes to make it out there in the eventuality of SHTF. | |
 | Blue Collar Preppinghttp://bluecollarprepping.blogspot.com/ Blue Collar Prepping is a website for people who want to be prepared for emergencies and disasters, but are disgusted by the prevailing attitude of to be prepared you must have a huge wealth of resources. | |
 | Survival Jackhttps://survivaljack.com/ Survival Jack provides informative blogs about preparedness. Get the latest information on how to prepare, and what to do when an emergency strikes. | |
 | UK Survival Guideshttps://uksurvivalguides.com/ They are a website covering survival and emergency preparedness, home and personal security, homesteading and child safety. | |
 | Primal Survivorhttps://www.primalsurvivor.net/ Practical and sensible prepping advice for all. No sensationalism, no discrimination, no politics. | |