| Vegan Food & Livinghttps://www.veganfoodandliving.com/ The blog is packed with nutritional advice from the experts, tasty recipes for every meal and occasion, plus features on vegan fashion, beauty, ethics and the environment. | |
 | Viva!https://www.viva.org.uk/ Viva! campaigns for a vegan world because taking life unnecessarily is obscene, damaging and plain wrong. Their blog aims to support vegans with news, information, and practical advice, as well as inspiring others. | |
 | Running on Real Foodhttps://runningonrealfood.com/ At Running on Real Food you'll find simple, delicious and healthy, plant-based recipes and everything you need to eat, live and thrive. Chocolate and cookies included. | |
 | Rainbow Plant Lifehttps://www.rainbowplantlife.com/the-blog At Rainbow Plant Life, you’ll find delicious, mouthwatering vegan recipes that are accessible yet elevated; info on how to live a healthy lifestyle and how to venture into veganism. | |
 | The Full Helpinghttps://www.thefullhelping.com/ Whether you’re looking to explore a vegan lifestyle, in search of plant-based recipes, or looking for the support of a dietitian who specializes in plant-forward eating, The Full Helping blog aims to have something to offer you. | |
 | The Minimalist Veganhttps://theminimalistvegan.com/ The couple behind this blog are on a mission to inspire millions of people to live with less stuff and more compassion. An idea they believe is worth fighting for. | |
 | Your Daily Veganhttps://www.yourdailyvegan.com/blog/ The website was created with one goal: To bring the vegan evolution to the masses. KD, the owner, has been living vegan for more than thirteen years and she shares her thoughts and lifestyle to spare the lives of animals. | |
 | Oh She Glowshttps://ohsheglows.com/ Oh She Glows is the recipe blog of Angela, where she celebrates her love for plant-based food and products. In addition to being meat and dairy-free, most of the recipes are free of gluten, soy, and processed foods. | |
 | I Love Veganhttps://www.ilovevegan.com/ I Love Vegan is a vegan lifestyle blog run by Brittany and William, the site has a focus on delicious, wholesome and homestyle, vegan recipes. | |
 | Nutriciouslyhttps://nutriciously.com/blog/ The couple behind Nutriciously are eager to bring you actionable tips for a happy and healthy plant-based life. You'll find in-depth guides, motivational pieces, science-based digestible content and no-fuss everyday recipes. | |
 | Justin Plus Laurenhttps://justinpluslauren.com/blog/ The blog follows the couple who love outdoor adventures, exploring nature, and visiting both cities and small towns. They're passionate about eco-friendly travel & responsible wildlife tourism and follow a vegan diet. | |
 | ethical elephanthttp://ethicalelephant.com/ ethical elephant wishes to inspire their readers to live their best cruelty-free and vegan life. They hope to inspire and empower them to make kinder choices in what they buy, say, and do. | |
 | Keepin' It Kindhttps://keepinitkind.com/ Keepin' it Kind was started by Kristy - animal lover, travel fanatic, and chickpea devotee. You can join her on the blog as she tries to make the world a kinder place, one delicious vegan meal at a time. | |
 | Blissful Basilhttps://www.blissfulbasil.com/ Blissful Basil is ran by Ashley who is a former school psychologist turned plant-passionate recipe writer, photographer, and cookbook author. She shares simple plant-based vegan recipes and wellness tips. | |
 | My Darling Veganhttps://www.mydarlingvegan.com/ The blog was created by Sarah McMinn who is a classically trained chef and professional photographer. With 14 years of vegan experience, her goal is to make vegan eating easy, fun, and accessible for all. | |
 | Cadry's Kitchenhttps://cadryskitchen.com/ The blog was started by Cadry Nelson over ten years ago, a couple of years after she went vegan. She specializes in classic comfort foods made vegan and most of the recipes can be made in about a half an hour. | |
 | The Vegan Societyhttps://www.vegansociety.com/whats-new/blog The Vegan Society shares the latest relevant news and helps people begin their journey into veganism through helpful, informative, and practical content. | |
 | VegFundhttps://vegfund.org/blog VegFund empowers vegan advocates worldwide through grant funding and supporting effective outreach, their blog aims to inspire people to choose and maintain a vegan lifestyle. | |
 | A Considered Lifehttps://www.aconsideredlife.co.uk/ The blog a place to discover practical tips on simplifying your life, adopting low waste habits, wearing sustainable clothes and cruelty-free beauty, to work towards living a considered life. | |
 | Brownblehttps://www.brownble.com/blog ’The blog follows Kim, who's vegan and obsessed with cooking. She co-created this blog with her husband Carlos to share their love of good food and the importance of the vegan lifestyle to them. | |
 | The Compassionate Roadhttps://www.thecompassionateroad.com/blog-index The Compassionate Road website is a free resource for anyone interested in creating more healthy, sustainable and kind habits. | |
 | hot for foodhttps://www.hotforfoodblog.com/ Lauren Toyota is the creator of hot for food. She cooks up vegan love and bringing the increasingly popular lifestyle to food fans across the globe. She is aiming to help catapult the vegan lifestyle into the mainstream. | |
 | HealthyHappyLifehttps://healthyhappylife.com/ The blog is ran by Kathy Patalsky, who shares all of her favorite things: food, writing, photography, travel, wellness, education, art, culture and community. Oh and cats. | |
 | Bake and Destroyhttp://bakeanddestroy.com/ Bake and Destroy features original vegan recipes influenced by punk rock, heavy metal, junk food and a bit of pro-wrestling. Natalie occasionally interview chefs, indie designers and other interesting folks. | |
 | Like a Veganhttp://likeavegan.com.au/ Chelsey started off Like A Vegan as a place to store her original recipes and share them with friends. As more people started visiting, she decided to make Like A Vegan the ultimate vegan destination. | |
 | The Vegan Strategisthttp://veganstrategist.org/ This blog is mainly written with an audience of vegans/animal rights activists in mind. The strategies and ways of communication that are written about are usually pragmatic and friendly in nature. | |
 | The Nomadic Veganhttps://www.thenomadicvegan.com/ Nomadic Vegan aims to be a go-to source for insider tips on vegan food around the world. It's the blogs mission to empower vegans and aspiring vegans to live their travel dreams without compromising their values. | |
 | The Discerning Brutehttps://www.thediscerningbrute.com/ Joshua Katcher started The Discerning Brute, the world's first men's vegan lifestyle blog, 10 years ago. He showcases food, fashion, sports, and culture for ethically minded males. | |
 | One Arab Veganhttp://www.onearabvegan.com/ Nada creates simple, healthy, plant-based recipes inspired by Middle Eastern flavours and writes about leading a vegan lifestyle in the Arab world. | |
 | This Rawsome Vegan Lifehttps://www.thisrawsomeveganlife.com/ The blog started by Em, explains why they want the foods they eat to nourish their body, spirit and mind, work symbiotically with the earth, and allow all earthlings their right for freedom and justice. | |
 | Vegan Beauty Girlhttps://www.veganbeautygirl.co.uk/ Nicole created the site to make ethical living that little bit easier. As the beauty space can be super confusing she aims to highlight all the vegan and cruelty-free products you could ever want to try. | |
 | Taylor Wolframhttps://www.taylorwolfram.com/blog/ Taylor is a nutrition therapist and health writer. She helps people discover the joy in eating and pursue health and well-being without focusing on weight. | |
 | Kind Earthhttps://www.kindearth.net/ The work on Kind Earth is about compassionate, heart-centred living and profound self-honesty. The blog aims to act as a reminder that there is a light that flows through all things and that we are all connected. | |
 | Delightful Veganshttps://delightfulvegans.com/ Josh and Katie are the Delightful Vegans. They have a vast range of plant based recipes, some healthy recipes and some not so healthy. Their travels are well documented on their blog posts too. | |
 | Pickles & Honesyhttp://www.picklesnhoney.com/ Pickles & Honey is a vegan blog by Amanda and Aaron. They take their favorite recipes and simplify them to the essentials, always with a plant-based twist.
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 | My Whole Food Lifehttps://mywholefoodlife.com/ The mission of My Whole Food Life is eating and living as healthy as possible. With their passion for creating homemade healthy versions of unhealthy foods, this blog is a one-stop shop for great healthy recipes. | |
 | Beauty & Colourhttp://www.beautyandcolour.com/ Caitlin started Beauty & Colour originally as an online diary to document her travels experiences. Since then, it has evolved into a platform where she aims to inspire others to eat more colorful plant based foods. | |
 | the kind lifehttps://thekindlife.com/blog/ TheKindLife.com is all about living your healthiest and happiest life to the fullest, while taking care of mama Earth at the same time. | |
 | The Glowing Fridgehttps://www.theglowingfridge.com/ The blog is ran by Shannon, a Certified Hormone Specialist and plant based blogger. She helps women heal their bodies bodies from the inside out and balance their hormones naturally through a plant based diet and lifestyle. | |
 | Chic Veganhttps://www.chicvegan.com/ Chic Vegan was created more than a decade ago. It has since become an extravaganza of fashion, cosmetics, self-improvement, diet, eco-love and many, many other things. | |
 | Vegan Beauty Reviewhttp://www.veganbeautyreview.com/ The blog was created by Sunny, who was the first vegan beauty blogger to hit the internet has gained a strong social media following. Through her blog, she's shared countless cruelty-free resources, reviews and recipes. | |
 | Happy Herbivorehttps://happyherbivore.com/blog/ Happy Herbivore's purpose is to help readers lose weight on a vegan diet. They aim to accomplish this through factual and practical advice and guidance. | |
 | Mainstreet Veganhttp://mainstreetvegan.net/blog/ Mainstreet Vegan was created by Victoria Moran, who has been vegan for over three decades. She believes this way of living becomes more rewarding, and more important, all the time, and she share its joys with her readers. | |
 | Mia Feroshhttp://www.miaferosh.com/ The Mia Ferosh blog is dedicated to presenting carefully curated and engaging, vegan-related health, wellness, weight-loss, vegan food and travel content. | |
 | Plantifulhearthttps://plantifulheart.com/ The aim of Plantifulheart is to help you lead a healthy life and show you how easy it is to cook without meat or dairy products. Here you will find simple, mainly healthy vegan dishes and desserts that you can prepare. | |
 | Tedi Sarahhttps://www.tedisarah.com/ From it’s original days as a plant-based food blog, tedisarah.com has evolved into a true lifestyle blog. This site is all about spreading good around the world and trying to live each day a little kinder, a little gentler, a little happier and a little healthier. | |
 | Daily Dishhttp://www.dailydish.co.uk/ Easy, creative vegan recipes that will be loved by vegans and non vegans alike. From appetizers to dips to creative dinners, they make great food vegan. | |
 | Cruelty Free Reviewshttps://crueltyfreereviews.com/category/articles/ We created our blog to make it easier for vegans to sit down with their non-vegan friends in a restaurant, whether it's a fast food restaurant, and order vegan food safely. | |