| ITNEXThttps://itnext.io/ This is a platform for engineers, software developers, IT architects, system engineers, and IT enthusiasts to share their knowledge, connect, and learn from one another. | |
 | freeCodeCamp.orghttps://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ Learn to code from home, build projects, and earn certifications showcasing the education. Gain expertises in responsive web design, JavaScript, data visualization, and more. | |
 | SitePointhttps://www.sitepoint.com/blog/ Find a blog of articles tailored for web developers, including tips on how to improve coding skills and interviews with expert web developers. Also includes a job board and library of useful books. | |
 | LogRockethttps://blog.logrocket.com/ Businesses can monitor how visitors interact with their website and find ways to improve those interactions further. The blog provides helpful tips and tricks for web owners to improve their site. | |
 | CSS Authorhttps://cssauthor.com/ Get comprehensive help on how to make a website better. Articles range from building photoshop skills to HTML and coding skills to WordPress themes. There are tutorials and free materials available. | |
 | Node.js Bloghttps://nodejs.org/en/blog/ Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine. It is used to build scalable network application. | |
 | Stack Overflowhttps://stackoverflow.blog/ Stackoverflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The website helps to solve coding problems, develop new skills, and find job opportunities. | |
 | CatsWhoCodehttps://www.catswhocode.com/blog A great website founded in 2008, dedicated to those who create and maintain websites. Such as web developers, web designers, webmasters and so on. | |
 | Tuts+ Codehttps://code.tutsplus.com/ A website with thousands of free tutorials and online courses on software development, web applications, design and crafting. It helps with improving coding skills and workflow. | |
 | Reacthttps://reactjs.org/ A site dedicated to helping readers build their skills in React and JavaScript. There are lots of in-depth tutorials in addition to articles discussing a variety of topics relating to web development. | |
 | RWieruchhttps://www.robinwieruch.de/blog Robin Wieruch is a German software engineer for React.js, Node.js, and GraphQL. He offers courses in these fields and more as well as helpful tips on his blog for developers. | |
 | Auth0https://auth0.com/blog/ A site solving the most complex identity-use cases for global enterprises, offering an easy to implement platform that helps provide secure logins. There are videos, whitepapers, and webinars available too. | |
 | Angularhttps://blog.angular.io/ News and tips from the Angular team. Angular is a platform to help mobile and desktop web applications, so the blog offers tricks on how to improve products and workflow, among other things. | |
 | Cory Rylanhttps://coryrylan.com/ The website of a Google development expert and front end developer. Cory Rylan offers helpful articles and tutorials that help readers build their skills and become better developers. | |
 | Flavio Copeshttps://flaviocopes.com/ Find tips and tricks on a variety of web development fields, including React, CSS, JavaScript, C, and more. Topics are comprehensive and easy to follow so that readers can quickly build skills. | |
 | Stack Diaryhttps://stackdiary.com/ Stack Diary is a free resource for Web Developers who have a keen eye on Marketing. The site covers topics like web development, design, and digital growth. | |
 | React Traininghttps://reacttraining.com/blog/ Workshops, corporate training, and even newsletters on everything a reader would need to know to learn react. Articles are usually short but pack a lot of information. | |
 | Hostinger Tutorialshttps://hostinger.com/tutorials Hostinger Tutorials cover topics in the IT niche, including but not limited to Website Development, Web Hosting Management, Video Tutorials, and Webinars. | |
 | Projectprohttps://www.projectpro.io/blog ProjectPro is the world's only ready-made, end-to-end projects platform. We provide ready-made AI/ML/Big Data/Cloud project templates to solve real-world business problems. | |
 | David Walsh Bloghttps://davidwalsh.name/ A prolific web developer shares his tips on how readers can improve their skills. Walsh helps with a variety of front-end web development tools, such as HTML and JavaScript. | |
 | codebursthttps://codeburst.io/ A place to learn web development and find good web courses on coding, programming, and more. Whether readers want to improve website design or utilize data, this site has answers. | |
 | Simple Programmerhttps://simpleprogrammer.com/ Founded by John Sonmez, the simple programmer is focused on helping software developers, programmers and other IT professionals improve their careers and live better lives. | |
 | Live Code Streamhttps://livecodestream.dev/ Live Code Stream is a blog dedicated to software engineering, data science, AI, and all about computer science. | |
 | ServerGuyhttps://serverguy.com/blog/ A blog filled with insightful resources and articles related to e-commerce, Magento, AWS, and WordPress development to help in scaling e-commerce businesses. | |
 | Alligator.iohttps://alligator.io/ A website helping untrained readers build their website with ease. Helpful guides bring readers through CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and more. All website creation info is friendly for beginners. | |
 | Bithttps://bit.dev/ Offers a service to create scalable and collaborative ways to build and reuse components on a website. There are tutorials and support for getting Bit to work, as well as an informative blog. | |
 | CodePenhttps://blog.codepen.io/ CodePen allows users to write code in the browser and see the results. The blog is where the platform posts announcements, new and updated features, tips and tricks, roundups, and more. | |
 | codeforgeekhttps://codeforgeek.com/ Whether a beginner or advanced coder, this site has information to help readers build skills. Topics include code, database, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more. | |
 | CSS-Trickshttps://css-tricks.com/ Helpful articles and tutorials on all things CSS related, included an almanac defining important CSS terms. There are also guides to help readers become more proficient in web development. | |
 | Love2Devhttps://love2dev.com/blog/ A site specializing in progressive web apps and search engine optimization, so it teaches readers to build their skills in those areas as well. Find helpful tutorials and guides here. | |
 | Scotch.iohttps://scotch.io/ Find fun and practical web development tools on this site. Topics range from JavaScript, Vue, and React to CSS and Python. Find helpful tutorials and courses as well as news. | |
 | Thinksterhttps://thinkster.io/ Find in-depth and comprehensive tutorials on a variety of web development tools, including React, Angular, JavaScript, Cypress, Gatsby, Vue, Deployment, and more. | |
 | Tutorialzinehttps://tutorialzine.com/articles A site with a community of developers who strive to learn together. There’s a growing library of tutorials and articles available for free to help readers build web skills. | |
 | Codropshttps://tympanus.net/codrops/ Tutorials, articles, and roundups on CSS related things, including a helpful library of CSS terms for beginners. There’s also design information to get readers thinking on improving their website aesthetics. | |
 | Ultimate Courseshttps://ultimatecourses.com/blog/ Find helpful and in-depth courses in Angular, TypeScript, RxJS, JavaScript, React, and AngularJS. Courses are from an expert team of web developers. | |
 | Usersnaphttps://usersnap.com/blog/ Allows customers to provide feedback for their favorite web companies. Allows web agencies to streamline their acceptance ratings and improve user experience, among other tools. | |
 | JavaScript Tutorialhttps://www.javascripttutorial.net/ The site helps to build JavaScript skills for beginners. Tutorials are easy to understand and thorough, allowing readers to grow their skills quickly. | |
 | SamanthaMing.comhttps://www.samanthaming.com/blog/ A front end developer, Samantha Ming shares her knowledge of programming through her blog posts and courses. Courses range from web basics to Flexbox and more. | |
 | Valentino Gagliardihttps://www.valentinog.com/blog/ Valentino Gagliardi teaches JavaScript, and his blog offers some tips for beginner web developers to build skills and get a handle on coding language. There are also helpful books to check out. | |
 | Treehouse Bloghttp://blog.teamtreehouse.com/ With over 200 courses and 27,000 minutes of videos, Team Tree House is committed to making education accessible to students of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and socio-economic backgrounds. | |
 | Developer Drivehttp://www.developerdrive.com/ Founded in 2011, DeveloperDrive is a dynamic hub of inspiration, tutorials, tips and opinion articles on all things web development. It helps the readers to learn and grow as web developers. | |
 | BetterStudio Bloghttps://betterstudio.com/blog/ The insight and tutorials of highly and 10+ years of experience in WordPress and Web development. | |
 | Qvaulthttps://qvault.io/articles Qvault covers a host of different programming topics including Go, JavaScript, Vue.js, algorithms, engineering practices, and cryptography. | |
 | Logical IDEAhttps://logicalidea.co A technology blog featuring tutorials about JavaScript, Android, iOS, HTML5, AJAX, PHP, CSS, WordPress, and everything else development related. | |
 | PCx3 Bloghttps://pcx3.com/ Blog on WordPress & Linux written from a hosting perspective. Author Stefan Pejcic draws on his expertise as sysadmin to offer practical solutions that can save you time. | |
 | TinyIMGhttps://tiny-img.com/blog/ TinyIMG blog makes Shopify store improvement simple. It dives deep into store setup, growth strategies, optimization, and includes actionable tips to help your store succeed. | |
 | OpenJavaScripthttps://www.openjavascript.info A blog featuring tutorials about JavaScript and related technologies, such as Node.js and React. | |