| AmoMamahttps://news.amomama.com/ Amo Mama is a multimedia platform that aims to amplify the voice of women across the globe. Content is non-political, truthful, reader-oriented, and relevant to all types of women. | |
 | Ms. Magazinehttps://msmagazine.com/ A feminist magazine focusing on issues and topics central to women. Site offers both national and global news and opinion pieces as well as women-oriented art and media. | |
 | woman&homehttps://www.womanandhome.com/ Site and magazine dedicated to improving the lives of women over 40. The content helps women live a smarter, healthier life, and includes topics covering health, beauty, lifestyle, traveling, and more. | |
 | Her Campushttps://www.hercampus.com/ Focuses on empowering and uplifting college-aged women. The site is written by women and covers topics of college, dating, beauty, wellness, and more. Also includes a job and internship board. | |
 | Sixty and Mehttps://sixtyandme.com/ A community for women over 60 that offers informative articles about health, mindset, beauty, and lifestyle. Beauty advice, dating tips, and travel guides are also available. | |
 | The Everygirlhttps://theeverygirl.com/ A site for younger women providing career advice, mental health tips, fitness guides, beauty hacks, and more. The site aims to help every girl build a well-rounded, financially sound life. | |
 | Women and Hollywoodhttps://womenandhollywood.com/ A site advocating for gender diversity and inclusion in the Hollywood industry and global movie market. Women and Hollywood offers gender-oriented movie news as well as informational materials. | |
 | Emirates Womanhttps://emirateswoman.com/ Find news, lifestyle tips, beauty advice, recipes, and fashion guides for women. Articles mainly focus on topics relevant to the Middle East and Emirates. | |
 | Mamamiahttps://www.mamamia.com.au/ An Australian news site providing podcasts, videos, and written pieces designed to empower women and girls. Categories include news, parenting advice, relationship tips, career advice, and more. | |
 | HelloGiggleshttps://hellogiggles.com/ A female-centered site dedicated to providing beauty tips, fashion guides, lifestyle advice, and more. News, entertainment pieces, and relationship advice are also available. | |
 | The Work at Home Womanhttps://www.theworkathomewoman.com/blog/ The blog helps women build side hustles from home, whether it’s starting a business, or blog, or launching a freelance career. Career advice and a list of open job postings also available. | |
 | Woman's Worldhttps://www.womansworld.com/ Provides interesting and informative content for women of all ages. Topics include health, weight loss, hair tips, fashion advice, horoscopes, and beauty tips for women over 50. | |
 | Women Love Techhttps://womenlovetech.com/ Women Love Tech empowers women by giving them the latest tech news, making technology easy, interesting and fun. | |
 | The Mom Edithttps://themomedit.com/ A shopping and lifestyle site designed to help modern parents, particularly moms. Find sustainable living tips, beauty guides, travel advice, homemaking help, and more. | |
 | First For Womenhttps://www.firstforwomen.com/ Get sleep advice, health tips, beauty guides, and other essential help women need. The site also gives insight into natural health tips and other ways women can live a healthy life. | |
 | Girlbosshttps://www.girlboss.com/read A site designed to help millennial women bring success, purpose, and ambition to their lives. Articles also help women grow personally as well as professionally. | |
 | Miss Millennia Magazinehttps://missmillmag.com/ Financial, career, personal growth, and life advice for millennial women. The site aims to make these women become their better selves through well-reported and informative articles. | |
 | Women's eNewshttps://womensenews.org/ An online news publication that reports stories about women and girls, striving to build a more equitable world. News and opinions range from health and science, crime and law, politics, and more. | |
 | Prime Womenhttps://primewomen.com/ Content dedicated to uplifting women over 50. Topics range from starting a business or advancing a career, improving health and fitness, beauty advice, and more. | |
 | Darling Magazinehttps://darlingmagazine.org/ A site designed to uplift women and give practical advice, featuring topics in careers and purpose, relationship and advice, culture and intellect, and more. | |
 | Women Deliverhttps://womendeliver.org/issues/ A global advocate for gender equality and the rights of women and girls. The site provides news, educational materials, humanitarian information, and updates on relevant conferences, webinars, and more. | |
 | Women You Should Knowhttps://womenyoushouldknow.net/ As the title suggests, the site aims to represent women doing good work and provide inspiration for other women across the world. Also strives to mentor women and build a community. | |
 | Naareehttps://www.naaree.com/ Find advice on working from home, building a career as a woman, health and wellness, self-improvement, motherhood and parenting, and relationships. Articles designed to empower and uplift women. | |
 | Professional Woman's Magazinehttps://www.professionalwomanmag.com/ A magazine dedicated to promoting the advancement of multicultural and diverse women. Site includes productivity tips, notable women in history, and advice on how to advance careers, among other things. | |
 | Woman Magazinehttps://www.womanmagazine.co.uk/ A UK-based magazine providing celebrity news, diet and food tips, fashion and beauty advice, and other information relevant to women. Content also includes horoscopes and bingo. | |
 | Women of Gracehttps://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/ A Catholic site aiming to uplift women by affirming feminine dignity and how religion influences the role of women. Includes not only written articles but videos and audio stories. | |
 | Hormonahttps://www.hormona.io/blog/ Hormona’s blog is designed to educate women about their bodies and wellbeing. Covering everything female related but with a main focus on hormonal health. | |
 | The Lowdownhttps://thelowdown.com/blog The Lowdown is the world's first review platform for contraception with a library of knowledge on every method, side effect and women’s health issue going! | |